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"You should talk to him... Because maybe he has news to tell you."

Immediately his eyes were knives.

"Spit it out! Who's he sleeping with?"
I exhaled "It's... not news of that nature sir. I feel that... Its not a matter of gossip but more one of his health."

He cocked a brow at me in confusion..
"Health you say? He's not dying is he?"

I shook my head "No... "
"It's not fatal is it?"

I frowned at him "No..."
He chuckled "Then it's nothing of significance."

I exhaled rolling my eyes.

"Still sir I feel its news you deserve to know and should know... But... Through him not me."

He glanced up at me for a few moments before finally nodding in agreement.

"Oh and Rayus. I have a request."
I looked down at him "Yes sir?"
"I'll need you to escort me to Santos estates."

I cocked a brow at him.
Was he crazy. For what reason!?
Carlen chuckled "The boy is throwing a costume party for his birthday and didn't invite me. Naturally I must Gate crash. Its an honour after all, the Russworth Name is an honourable badge to wear for all those who..."

I ignored the rest of his speech.

Truth was the Russworth clan were the ancestors of the most famous Higher ups of the times. Alphonse and Ellyn Carte-Gregor.

Both were considered soul mates and came from a strange time where power was being abused by those who had it. The fact that they were so innately connected was a scientific blunder itself... But it made them stronger together and from that the first male born offspring occurred.

So in some way Carlen may feel special but he was still just a psycho born by a bunch of power hungry psychos.

Carlen attended Maddeus' birthday party dressed as none other Coryn Gregor the most Powerful man before Ellyn and Alphonse United the other established families to take down the man.

It only seemed fitting he would dress up as a psycho considering he was one.
I myself had dressed up as soldier simply cause it kept the attention off me. Most the guards weren't gonna be socialising tonight. For us we were still working but we had to dress the part.

The fact that I was dressed like a gladiator I felt was more fitting for my body though.
So when we arrived at Maddeus' party I was excited to see Nord and Light together pressing kisses to each other discussing their children.. Their guards were dressed as the Men in black. Ha... Ha.... Ha.
Nord was dressed up as some French lord while light was dressed like a Prince.

Maddeus gawped at me on sight and I couldn't help but admire what he was wearing... He was dressed like Leo in the old wolf of Wall Street movie.
I blinked to myself trying not to stare but god damn it when he dressed well he looked stunning.
The Earnways seemed to arrive for whatever reason and I felt sick...
Everyone always seemed to arrive at Maddeus' birthdays... Less to celebrate him and more to distract other guests so that he was left ignored.

The two brothers were dressed as Alphonse and Vitorio the two who established the Altori foundation and ceremony which still ran as one of the most famous occasions of this day.

When Owl and Tyler arrived I chuckled to myself. They dressed formally but both wore colours that suited a very peculiar theme.
Tyler was dressed in green with a frog face mask on his head. His bodyguard an owl with feathers on the shoulder blades.

The room became quiet when a certain guest arrived causing everyone to glare.

I recognised the man at once... It was Blue Carter the man who owned the country's police and courts... And on his arm was none other than that toy that liked to pester Naiden.

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