The Party

15 3 0

Saturday January 29th, 2150

I don't think I've paid this much attention to my what I was wearing or how I looked. Looking at myself in the mirror I see the my father eyes. They are bright blue almost a neon color today taking the black charcoal stick I apply a thin line to make them stand out even more. In my black dress my skin looks like a lighter shade of tan. Putting a rose colored lipstick the woman you looks back at me is almost a stranger.

Her hair is hanging in loose curls around her, the pear earrings in and thin gold chain compliment her outfit. Looking at my hand they are clean painted with clear coat. On left hand is ring I wear it proudly. I will wear it proudly any time I'm not working. Standing I look at my full body it beautiful full ready to live.

Party day is here, I'm very excited the Astro-club and Command center have the most amazing views of space. In the very center is the training room the only completely gravity free area on the whole ship. Where all the Cadets train before their first spacewalk. The command center looks like a pie each piece holds a different upper branch including the Astro-club where one whole wall is just glass.

Yesterday Robbie handed out the passes that will get us into the Club along with a dress code. Like we were going to show-up in grease overalls. Dad is wearing his dress blue's like he did on his wedding day, they still fit thanks to Mom. She is pretty good seamstress being a doctor she says means she's good with needles. Me I can barely patch a holes in my overalls, so maybe it's a genetic thing. Mom is wearing her matching blue dress with her scarf. I still have my fancy black I've gotten more use out it then I thought I would.

I've just done my make-up, Mom is ready so is Dad all we're waiting for now is the car. They said they'd send one for us. Kye is going to be there along with his mother and father. They'll meet my parents for the first time, I'm hoping for a nice evening. But, when we all get together it never gets to nice it starts out as awkward then devolves into bad.

"Dilly the car is here." Mom sings from living room.

Closing my tablet I breath out four beats in four beats out, "Coming."

Mom looks beautiful her dress is icey blue she paired in like Dad's dress blues she's take it out and brought the hem down over the years. They both wonderful happy to be together not hiding anymore. I feel pang of jealousy that I quickly bury this isn't the day to be sad.

She looks at me her eye's watering slightly she sees the woman that I almost am. "You look wonderful Little Bit." Her eye's travel to my feet. "Don't you have proper shoes to wear."

"All the mecha's are wearing their boots, I cleaned and shined them last night." I say quickly looking at Dad.

He comes to my aid. "Let her my love, we're all going to small comforts tonight."

Mom crosses her arms, "Boots stick together hgh?"

"You never know," Dad says wrapping his arms around her stomach. "This one might be a doctor like you in supportive shoes."

The car they sent is sleek white, not like the trucks and emergency vehicles. This was made to enjoyed the seats are soft real leather. The diver smiles at us not use to driving middle like himself. He thanked me for saving him and his family. I look out the tinted windows the whole ship is alive with people this is the first day with air that isn't foul smelling. They are all in the streets laughing music is coming out of the windows, I feel the vibrations. The air is alive with people all happy to be alive.

Living lives that were decided for us a hundred years ago has left some people dejected. They question whether is worth living. The answer when faced with it was yes, through the whole crisis not one person committed suicide. All of us want to live and today we are. I told Lori if I could I would bring her she smiled rolling her eyes. Dylan, she told me, are shortage of parties I think I can one.

The car stops very front of the ship I look up at the tower, I've been under it in the core with Robbie. This is where Kye looked at the list where he found about me, he's here now to at the very top waiting for me.

"Miss. De Rovia." The driver holds out his hand I take it.

"Thank you sir."


Whoa. All I can say about the club is that its ultra to the max. As soon as we got in the club it was like another world, there was bright classical music softly playing. A table with sparkling drinks and party foods rarely seen on this ship. Unlike the restaurants here there are mini-robots roving the room silently picking up trash or taking empty glasses or plates. Normally little kids would following them but they aren't each child is looking outside. Even the adults are talking in little groups by the windows. For a lot of people this is the first time they've ever seen it.

There are lots of boots on the floor, not many whites and even less red bottoms. I saw Cole and Jolie talking to an old man Rogers he's almost retired. Robbie was near the windows talking to reded woman, his wife I think. Dad took Mom to the small dance floor. Everyone looked so happy, I felt a prideful. Happy that I'm reason that these people that know and care about are here.

"Dylan," I turn its Kye in his suit looking so handsome. "You look amazing."

I felt the blush spread like wildfire across my cheeks. "You've seen me in this dress before."

He nods. "And you look more beautiful each time." Holding out a hand he asks. "Would you do me honor of dancing with me."

Taking his hand I say. "I would love too."

Being an Upper he knows how to dance. Most of us are doing basic waltz nothing fancy. Even if I did know how with Kye's hand on my waist I don't think I would remember the steps. His eyes the light is playing with them while I'm lost in them.

What made it better was that everyone was letting us have this time. People weren't looking at us or talking in hushed tones about it. "This is wonderful."

He leans down, "This is all for you I'd give a whole planet if I could but that's not your style."

"All I want is to live a life with you as happily as we can make it." The music stops breaking the spell I can still feel his hands on me.

"Miss. De Rovia our hero of the hour." Cole says coming over holding glass in each hand. He hands one to me then shakes with Kye. Jolie hugs me close whispering her thank you in my ear.

Taking a sip its sweet but also a little tart like a green apple. "This has an interesting flavor."

"Its watered down for sure." Cole isn't impressed I doubt he's alone in that subject. Kye looks at me silently asking if he's the one who got me drunk. I nod setting my glass on a mini-bot, "I'll leave the drinking to you, Cole."

We politely excuse ourselves walking around the room. I can see Kye as child running around or maybe looking at the endless space. Looking distantly in the future I see a child of our own looking at our planet. I dream of Gillispie all the time, I know Kye does too.

Kye meets most the people I work with, for the most part they are nice to him. I think it was because everyone was having a nice time they didn't want to spoil it. Or maybe since I'm a hero they're looking the other way. The last two people he meets are Robbie and Sofia.

"Kye this is Sofia she was my first mentor and this is Robbie Romero the Mecha Chief. This is Kyiv Sinclar."

Robbie shakes his hand then Sofia shakes as well. Sofia looks at me in my facey black and jewellery. "Boys why don't you get us some drinks."

They leave Sofia looks out the window a reflection of the two of us looks backs. "You look nice not like an Upper wannabe. I think it will be hard to tow the line that divides Upper and Middle but if anyone can do it you can."

"Thank you, I'm trying my best."

Robbie came back over before she could say more. "Here we are a toast. To grease."

Sofia rises her glass, "To grime."

I smile, finishing the toast. "And a good time."

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now