A Hangover of My Own Making

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Tuesday November 1, 2149

I feel even more stupid today then I did last night. Most people do feel stupid today or at the very least hungover. They can blame alcohol on their dumb decisions me I was sober last night I only myself to blame. Blaming Kye is...It's not his fault he wanted it work out because he is optimistic about everything. Me, I like to let reason and logic guide my decision making.

After I left the party I went back to my apartment but found our door turned off and the sounded of heavy breathing and grunting. So, I went to Lori's apartment she wasn't drunk but did have a pleasant buzz. I felt bad for ruining her night. She took one look at me and knew it was bad.

The only saving grace I had was walking into my house early this morning and both my parents being asleep. When I was done showering they were awake. They asked how the party was and I told them it was fine. They didn't believe me of course but didn't ask anything else.

My parents are big believers in life lessons that the only way to truly learn something is to just do it. Failing means I learned something getting it right means I can do it better the next time. I'm sure they knew where I was going and rather then trying to talk me out of it they let me fail. They didn't say I told you so either they just let me sit with the knowledge that they were right. It was written on my face I guess. So, I hid my face in my tablet looking I saw five messages all from Kye.

I didn't look at any of them I sent him a message back saying I wasn't mad at him that I just needed to think. Now I've had the whole day to think and decided that I'm not going to another upper party until I'm paired.

"Here," Lori holds out a hot cup of apple cider.

"Thanks." I take it looking around at the other people. They look like me there faces betraying them. "I'm glad I'm not the only one who did something utterly stupid last night.

Lori nods. "That's Halloween they should change the name to wear a mask your going something to stupid day."

Laughing at her attempt to make me feel better. "Yeah thats kinda a of a mouth full. You want sucks most of all? I don't even get to blame it on alcohol."

"Come on your being a drama queen it couldn't have been that bad."

I look at my tablet scrolling up to last entry I reread it. "No it was. Remember those nature documentaries we use to watch as kids. And how when the alpha of the group would shun a member everyone else would follow."


"Kye's mother is the Alpha of the Upper's." I use to think it was the Captain but no Marcy Sinclar is the most powerful one.

She nods behind me, "Dee look."

I turn my head, he's here. "Great."

"That's him?" She says her tone of surpise catching me off gaurd.

He comes right over to the table. "Can I talk to you?" There is hint of remorse in his tone but its shadowed by curiosity. He knows that something happen last night he can't figure it out that makes his upset he's use to being the smartest person in the room.

"Lori give us a moment."

She purchtes her lips at him fixing him with a very unimpressed look. "I was picturing someone different."

"Lori,"I say forcefully.

"I was wrong about the party." He says before he even sitting a good play it gets me to stay while he's goes on. "You tried to tell me that it was a bad idea but I didn't listen."

I cross my arms.

"I'm sorry."

"I know you are," I take his hand its clamy he's is so nervous to talk to me. "Look nothing about right now is easy, you know and I know but not many other people. Not any of my friends or yours."

"I just..." He breathes out a furtstating sign, for all his life choice most of which i agree with he is still an Upper use to getting everything he wants when he wants it. I'm not like that my life is good I have a nice home with good rations but I've been patience too.

"It's just I love my life the way it is now but those people I grow up with them too. I don't see them all that often. I thought they would accept you because your wonderful and talented and so smart that us not being official wouldn't matter."

Turning over his hands there's dirt under his nails his skin rough from being the soil, I'm sure that if he was more like his family we won't work he wouldn't have found or if he did he would be bitter that his one and only pair was middle mechanic. But, he loves me for all that I am and all I'm not. "I'm not saying you have never see them you can. You alone can see them and in two years I can meet them right now I know what I am to them."

"A Taboo."

I nod forcing a smile, "I don't think we'll do anything the normal proper way."

Kye shrugs. "Ehh. Normal is a relative concept right?"

"I think that we did agree on that."

Lori comes back over looking at him then at me. "Did he apologize yet?" She says it in that matter of fact way that has us both laughing.

"Yes, Kye this is Lori my best friend and Lori this is my Kye."

He holds his hands she shakes it. "Cute but still not what I was picturing in my mind." She says sitting next to me.

"What where you picturing?" He ask looking at his plain clothes they aren't the upper style of pastels and collars. He's wearing a printed t-shirt with khaki cargo pants, his work boots clean but obviously used not like Kas with his prestin loafers.

She doesn't miss a beat, "I thought you'd be taller and have a man-bun since you have this whole black sheep rough of the family going on. I do like the beard so I approve."

"I use to have a longer hair but I had to cut it for a personal reason." He says unsure if was a compliment or an insult. She's still upset with him for making me feel bad so it's both.

"We're going to be nice to him now." I say smiling wickedly.

"Fine," She says in a hefty tone. "I like your shoes."


Living a life like my parents always seemed like the middle ground. I'd convinced myself it was an okay way to live. Better than Lori. Her parents should have applied for single status but didn't. They choose to live together thinking they could make it work. Having Lori they were okay for a while but the relationship soured over the years. Now they fight more than they talk. I hate it for Lori and vowed to never bring a child into a potion marriage like that.

Mom and Dad made it work but lately I'm noticing more of a change.They can feel it coming to an end this life they've made. I'm growing up more quickly then I thought I would. Mom is already thinking about her future. I see her looking at the photos or videos of us over the years. Dad is harder to read but he's changing is more subtle. There's something coming more changes...I don't know if I'm ready for a change.

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