Hangover Plus Work Equals Misery

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Friday December 19th, 2149

I woke-up the next morning with my arm hanging down over my bed my finger tips gracing cold floor. My tongue feels heavy like it's coated in velvet fuzz. Every sound seems amplified my own breath echos around my head. All this is slowing me down so it's takes me a full minute to realize.

"I'm not in my apartment."

Kye laughs loudly causing me to burrow into the couch. "No your in Kyeland."

"Shhhh." I plea.

He smiles setting a glass of water softly on the table for me to drink to combat this massive hangover. "What happen to you last night?"

Sitting-up my I rewind my fuzzy memories back to last night. "I was invited for a drink it tasted like fire."

"Pure grain uncut how many did you have?"

"Five no six." I groan drinking down the cool water. "My parents are going ground me till I'm dead."

Kye starts softly working in his kitchen, it doesn't help much. "I called them when you showed-up at my door. They aren't happy with you that's for sure."

Even moving my eyes around slowly because even they hurt his clock no time to go home and get a shower or even change clothes. Standing my head swims as I walk to the sink. Running the cold water over my head this is doing next to nothing to help me up. I'm screwed I look ragged my hair is a mess even my skin has a rough look to it.

Sitting with my messy hair I untangling my hair as the room fills up with a wonderful smell. Kye hums the same star toon I vaguely remember from last night.

"What happen last night?" I ask dejectedly.

Kye set a warm glass of what looks like purple cake batter on the table. "Drink it all."

I take a sample sip. "This is great what is it?"

"Hangover juice but when you get home tonight you'll want to shower and sleep."

Great cause I'm pretty sure that's all I'll be allowed to do for a while now. "Thanks, sorry for showing up at your door."

He just smiles wickedly putting his hands behind his head. "I'm use it by now."

Feeling very proud of himself he told me the whole story how I knocked on his door out of my mind wasted. Saying I missed how he smelled and how I was so happy that I was adulting so well. Then I passed out which was for the best. Now I'm on the train heading to work with a hangover and if I make it through day I will never get that drunk ever again.


"Your alive!" Cole says as I walk into the almost empty main room.

I flinch at the sound dropping the metal thermos . "I was till you opened your mouth."

His face twist into a apologetic look as he bends down. "Sorry Dill, coffee?"

"She doesn't like coffee, grease monkey." Robbie says handing me a cup of warm tea. "Heard you got wasted last night didn't think you'd be in today."

I drink slowly. "I'm full of surprises but please right now I'm very sensitive so could I just quietly go die in the corner? "

Kye's hangover juice has gotten me here and he gave me another dose in a thermos for lunch I can drink but no solid food til dinner tonight. More people gradually fill the room most of look at me shake their heads.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now