What I Know and What I've Learned

16 3 0

Monday November 23, 2149

In school right now where I should be watching Romeo and Juliet. The teacher says on Earth it was called the greatest love story. I think people on Earth had strange ideas about what makes a love story great.

"Miss De Rovia if you would please share your opinion?"

I blush but stand. "I think Juliet was stupid to marry Romeo after only knowing one night."

"So, you don't believe in true love?" He ask as I sit down.

"No," I say with a shrug. "Romeo was in love with the idea of being in love and Juliet had a crush. They didn't know each other there's no way they would last."

"They didn't last." A boy named Hayden says jokingly.

Mr. Hill holds up his hand and they all stop laughing. "Miss. De Rovia has a point what makes a good relationship."

Hands go up and he calls on a boy behind me. "Mr. Improta."


"That's a good one Romeo and Juliet trusted in their love for each other."

"But that not enough." Another girl Dawn says in a knowing tone.

Mr. Calloway nods. "A fair point Mr. West." He points to a good an Upper girl. "Miss. Damaska something to add."

She glares at me. "A similar background."

That challenge that the teacher doesn't notice. "A fair point both of them came from the class in society."

"Yeah but there families had been fighting for decades, one of the few things that had in was a similar personality." I say more to the girl then the class.

"Mr. Paley you have something to contribute."

Jay Paley nods, "Yeah you need to be good in bed."

"Please elaborate if you can or I'll write you up?"

Jay nods. "All these things about trust and backgrounds and interest are fine but if you don't have a good physical relationship then all you have is a glorified roommate."

The lunch bell rings and we all file out of the classroom. I get my lunch sitting alone in a corner table. Taking my stylus I start out a rough idea I had for Lori's christmas gift, then there's Dad I have his gift I just have to fix it. Mom and Kye are my two unknowns I have no idea what get or made either of them.

Amy the upper girl comes over to my table a gang of upper wannabe's behind her. "Look this little whatever you have with Kye isn't going to last. He's mine I know we're going to pair." She must be banking on pairing with him the only other Upper close to her age is a twelve year old.

"Maybe but for right now he's with me. I spent most of yesterday at the pool with guess what I didn't you name anywhere on him."

She scoffs. "But, his name is on you."

Her side kicks step forward. "Careful." I caution them. "The last person who went looking for that died."


"She an upper she didn't do anything camra will show you doing it and it's her against yours who would the high consuel believe."

The two look at Amy who's taken a step back. "Come on girls let leave this pathetic side piece to her stupid drawing."

"It's not a stupid drawing." I say to myself I as write a note to stop by the mecha shop.


The mecha station has its home office in plain gray building in the city sector just off the main road that leads out to the farmlands. Its part garage that house the few car and trucks that might be hundred year still run like new. I enter through the garage looking at the sleek cars having oil changed. The old goes to the chem shop where its recycled and kept for the next time.

Moving through the halls I pass rooms with classes going on and shops the apprentices learning welding and auto-mechanics. I find the room I'm looking for, it's called the scrap ward. A room filled with old wires and circuit board just waiting to be made into something new. I have a list of things that I'm looking for the moment are small lights, the kind that fits into a small statue.

"Don't you have a home?"

I smile at Robbie, "I do but I like this place more sometimes." Taking metal sheets I put it in my bag. "Your the one with a wife and two kids."

"Why don't you just go ahead and declare your career."

"Its childish but the minute I do I'm an adult, I leave school I start courses and a full apprenticeship. I'm a little scared about it really, I want to hold on to this last little bit of childhood."

He nods like he understands because he was like me once stuck in between past childhood but not an adult yet. In the last couple of months I've had more than my share of traumatic events. "I know you're scared of unknown but don't have to be."

Taking my parts I say. "My future isn't unknown."


Robbie's words are staying with me. He said that I don't have to be scared of the unknown. But, I know what's happening with my life. I'll choose mecha and pair with Kye that we'll live together that we might go down first but if we don't we'll have kids.

Unknown has possibilities it can be bad or it can be great you get to influence it. I don't have that anymore. Sometimes I feel like I'm on the top of a tower that's moving constantly turn me around. Then when I'm finally have solid footing a trap door opens and I fall. Other time I see the trap door and I have to jump.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant