Christmas Day 2149

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Christmas Day 2149

When I was little I would wake-up early run to my parents room jumping from bed to bed telling them to wake-up. Santa Claus had come. Children here believe that there are magic access points on all icy moons that. Like a rock being skipped across a big pond Santa can skip across the vast universe.

It's different now since I am way past that age however, we still try to put our gifts out before each other. Last night I was the first to put mine out. Last year we all came out at the same time so we just opened them right then and slept in.

By the time Lori came in we'd all been awake for a while, but waiting for her. The first time was when I was eight her parents had a fight and she showed up here crying. Ever Since then she's been a part of our celebrations. She's sat next to me.

"Still missing one aren't we."

"He's not a morning person he'll be here."

That was an hour ago all our gifts are still wrapped in scrap cloth since we have no paper for wrapping. Lori got Mom and Dad a tin of real coffee and me there is small box for me. My gifts for them and the one for Lori and Me. I put all our names on Kye's. If he ever gets here.

I stab the keys on the last sentence, the door knocks. "Come in, bea."

He enters wet hair pulled into a loose bun when a large plastic bin. "Did I miss the strawberry buns?"

We all start laughing at him, Dad takes the box nodding to the kitchen. "Almost I was this close to eating yours."

"I'll be earlier next year." He says gravely.

Lori and I giggle but I like the sound of that next year.

With synthetic caffeine and real sugar Kye's awake enough to open gifts. It goes that the youngest person hands out gifts. Mom started it to teach me patience and we've kept it going because one day someone will be younger than me. For now it will go Me, Lori, Kye, Mom, and Dad. I take Mom's little box starting it. "Here."

She tenderly opens' it her hands gently taking out the yellow silk. "Ohh Baby, it's so beautiful.

"I always promised I'd get you one you raised to keep my promises."

She kisses my cheek tears forming. "I love it."

"Good. Dad," I hand him his box.

He tries to guess since. "Not cuff links I hope."

"You never know when you'll need them." I sipe my eyes quickly it's way too early for crying even happy tears.

Carefully he opens his then he takes the watch out. "Where did you find this?"

I smile wickedly, this is my specialty. "The exchange I fixed myself but the watchmaker cleaned it making it look all nice and pretty. Its sturdy not to flashy."

"It's wonderful Little Bit everyone is going to be jelly of it."

We all laugh at Dad using the word jelly. I mean we're all on the floor Lori is leaning on me, Mom is holding her stomach and Kye's mouth is open but no sound is coming out.

I smile happy that everyone loves their gifts so far. "Lori the big one is yours."

She undoes the cloth her breath catching in her throat. "I..Its." She ghost her hand over the figure. "Where in ship did you find this?"

"I made it myself," Leaning down I press the button and the lights dance along the wall. "And one day you might a kid who will like it to."

She hugs me close. "Dill I love it."

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