I Get A Lot of Thank You's

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Monday January 23nd, 2150

I passed out. Saturday after I fixed the ship and saved everyone I passed out. Very heroic I know. What happen was I hadn't slept or eaten much in those four days I was dehydrated like a lot of other people. Then I went into the weightless environment of space. Being in Zero-G my weakened body more than it already was basically it forget how to function. A normal person when spacewalking will have fluid rush to the head after returning to the ship back to gravity. My lack of fluids caused me to pass out my head couldn't the professor.

Waking up this morning with Kye in a chair I put my hand on his head running my fingers through his dark hair. "Here we are again."

He looks at me with tears in his eyes taking my hand kissing it. "You saved all of us."

I smile at him cause he's here alive and the IV in my arm means where still here. "I was just trying to save the people I care about everyone else is just a bonus." Clearing my dry throat, Kye pours me a glass of water.

"Slowly," He cautions handing it over.

Sipping slow I asked about right after. The system had a few leaks and it was every hand on deck to fix them. They still where patching leaks replacing pipes. When I get out of here I'll be a very busy person. I'm not the the only one either cases dehydration are filling the rooms. The farmlands are remarkably not bad, Kye said they used their drinking ration water to water the crops in the greenhouses. If this had happen in Sim-Summer we'd be much worst off.

In the lowers the sudden burst of water caused minor flooding. That a long with very strict water ration led to scattered riots. The fish ponds where drained the night before this harvest of fish is our last for the next 6 to 8 months until the new generation has reached adulthood and ready to breed.

Ration are being re-done but if this had happen in spring or summer we'd all be alot worse off. Mom is still good and Dad, came home with new scar from the lowers. I saw him this morning when I woke-up. He looked tired older, there was bandage on his left arm from glass bottle.

Someone knocks on my door, "Come in."

Its a nursing student with a gift basket. "This was left for you at the front desk.

"Thanks." I say as he sets it on the rolling table.

Setting my tablet aside I start to open the basket as Lori enters the room. "What is this?"

"This," I say smelling a bar of chocolate the size of my hand. "Is the reward for a heroic deed done."

Lori takes the card sitting on my bed. "From the primary school class 2B, thank you for saving us."

They must have taken up a points collection for it because it's full of candied fruits. "That's sweet."

"Hello?" A different nurse comes in with small metal box.

"Hi." I say looking at the metal box that I'm sure is silver.

Lori raises an eyebrow. "More admires your getting very popular."

"This is from an Upper woman who wishes to be anonymous."

Lori looks at it, "Is it a jewelry box?"

"Maybe." Slowly I open the box its not jewels but make-up, charcoal stick and powerders, even some lip glosses.

Picking up a bright red I hand it to Lori. "Here this will look great on you"

"'Dilly I can't this is yours."

I sigh, "Right it's mine so I'm giving this to you think of it as pay back for letting me use your make-up"

She takes the deep red shade. "Thank you. You saved us all you know."

"Yeah...I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Being the hero it feels wrong I wasn't trying to save class 2B or this Upper woman I was saving you and Kye and my parents."

"Save one life save the world entier."

"Is that from the bible?"

She blushes, "The Jewish bible I saw it on a movie. I think it means that if you save one person you can save a lot of others without trying."

"Miss De Rovia, you have a gift." Another nurse says entering with another basket.


I have lot of grateful admirers out there, ever since I woke-up I've been getting gift baskets and point cards. The public has a positive opinion about me for now at least. Mom says I'll be out of the hospital tomorrow good I know they need the bed here and Me out there repairing. I asked her about the baby if with the new rations will she still be able to have one.

She said yes but the list would be stop next friday so instead of 190 new children there will only be 127 this year. That's less people but the 63 set of would be parents who are very upset. I'm sure that they will be part of next year's lottery and be the first one's announced.

And I don't have to worry about candy or chocolate for a long time. Mom found Lori and me eating candied pears watching cartoons laughing like old times. Entrainment is a hard one here of course we have a whole collection of movies, TV shows and documentaries from earth but seeing the same thing generation after generation gets old.

In 2088 the Animators Guild, AG was formed its a mix of people from all walks of life. They write original stories making them into new movies and even tv shows. My favorite growing up was the Dragon Chronicles. Lori was more of medical drama person but since it was my hospital room I got to pick.

She stayed till her lunch break was over then I watched TV and surfed the net. Looking out my window I see people moving around again. The portable toilets are gone but the smell outside is lingering. Where getting back to normal slowly but then again we have time. The big new now is that the Caption is making an official announcement tomorrow night. No doubt to thank us for being brave and acting to selfly in the face of crisie.

The Ark Diary of Dylan De Rovia Book One of De Rovia DiariesWhere stories live. Discover now