Part 33

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We spent the better part of a week trying to decide if e wanted to buy or rent until we can build. Our decision was quickly made foe us when we realized we would never find a house big enough for now and be able to grow with us.

But a day about two weeks after we decided to look for a builder Owen got a call from Mr. Anderson.

After Owen hung up he relayed what they had talked about. It seems that not far from the Anderson's is a 25-bedroom house on 15 acres. It used to be an old bed and breakfast. Sang's eyes light up at the family meeting the same night the calls comes in. Owen quickly called Mr. Anderson back and said we would buy it.

Sang started dancing in the middle of Nathan's living room before wen had even dialed. Gabe and Luke quickly joined her and started shouting about chocolate chip pancakes every morning for breakfast, which made North growl, and having the whole house to decorate, making North growl louder and everyone laughs.

A week later finds us moving in to the big house.

Luke's POV

Sang and I are the only ones left. The others have gone to yet another house to pack yet another one of my brothers and bring them to their new home. Our new home with Sang.

We have already picked out our rooms that line the hallway leading to the master bedroom, Sang's bedroom. It was funny seeing her argue with all nine of us about her getting the master and her insisting Mr. B should have it.  Her argument being he was the oldest but he quickly shut her up with a kiss then is was because he was the team leader. North and Silas each gave her a kiss on the cheek and start moving her things in. it wasn't much due to the fact Gabe wanted her to have all new things including clothes which she didn't know. Yet.

It just the girl I love and me unpacking the kitchen of our house that we are going to share with all right of my brothers.

She is dressed in a long navy blue skirt with a white button down over a pink under shirt. She looks so cute I think but then watch her bend over to place some pots and pans in the lower cabinets. I try to stifle a groan from seeing her legs revealed by the slit in her skirt parting with a fist against my mouth. It doesn't work she turns around and meets my gaze with one of her own.

She slowly closes the door and turns completely around with a raised eyebrow leveled at me. She looks down and then back up into my eyes, her sweet smile and the cocked eyebrow are gone in its place is a mischievous grin and I cant decide if this change is a good thing or a very bad thing.

"Whose house did they go to?" she ask and I can see the wheels in her head are turning.

"Silas," which is clear across town I hour round trip not to mention traffic and then loading the moving truck. I see her mind working through the same thing.

Part 33B

Sang's POV

Everyone is gone its just me and Luke. The boys have gone to Silas' house, across town. We have over two hours by ourselves.

"Stay here," I say not sure if I should do this right now but what is the worst that can happen right? Plus with sharing a house with nine guys and four of them being unaware of the fact of  my status with the others could make it difficult to get alone time in the near future.

I smile as I head to the new hiding place curtsey of Owen and Victor, who have added even more to my stash. Since some have multiple parts we decided on bins for certain things in their colors. Pulling out the light blue one I quickly slip out of my blouse, skirt, bra and panties to slip on his set of light blue set with bows accenting the bra and the back of the panties. It feels strange for one of the first outfits I find is one of the last ones I use. I pause a second thinking to just walk back down like this but decide against it because of the threat of a heart attack and Doc not being here and all.  I look at myself in the mirror and see the extra oomph that has been added to my breast with the bra and how the panties have the bow right over my tailbone and the ribbons fall over the curve of my butt before slipping back on my long skirt and blouse I check my reflection one more time making sure nothing is given away by the drape of my skirt of the clinginess of my blouse.

Surprised Yet? (C.L. Stone, The Academy) #watty2016Where stories live. Discover now