Naval battle final part: Wolfs vs krakens

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The wild wolf POV

More than half the fleet of Euron Greyjoy was burning but those kraken didn't want to give up. They were firing their scorpions at us, but they did little damage.

"Fire!!!!" Said Tourmound

Boooom!!!! Boooom!!!!

It was a direct hit at the mastil of the ship and at the center. The ship begun to shunk. The Iron born were jumping from the ship.

"What are you doing!!" Screamed then someone "don't let win you!!!!". I saw who was the person screaming. He had a patch on his left eye, his face was covered on scars. He was wearing black clothes and had a sword on his hand.

"Looks like we found Euron Greyjoy" said a northerner

"Point the cannons to his ship" I said "it's time to finished this"

"You heard the capitan!!!!" Said Tourmound "destroy that ship!!!!". All cannons on my ship were pointed at Euron Greyjoy's ship.

"Shit" I heard him screamed

"Fire!!!!" I screamed as the cannons were shot and completely destroyed the ship. Euron Greyjoy jumped from his ship but just then, Rhaegal fly and eat him alive and then flew away.

"Good dragon" I said.

"We surrender!" Said then an Ironborn

"Please just don't burn us!" Said another

"We won!!!!" I said "King's Landing is ours!!!!

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