The Great War III

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The White Wolf POV

The dead were surrounding us, they were to many. We started to fall back Winterfell. The ice spiders were deadly and they were massacring everything in their path. "Fall back!!!" I said "fall back!!!"

"Curse those creatures!" Said Aegon as we run towards Winterfell. Robb has already manage to enter Wintefell when a spider block us "holy shit!". We barely dodge it's deadly leg as we more wights started to come.

"Damn it!" I said. I had Longclaw ready in my hands. Aegon had Blackfire. Just when we were about to be killed by the spider, we heard a war cry.

"Haaaaaa!!!" Screamed Rhaenys as she stabbed the spider with Darksister on it's back, making it explode "take that, motherfucker!". We didn't rest as more wights started to come.

"Just run!" I said "we have to go to Winterfell!!"

"Go it!" Said Rhaenys and Aegon at the same time

The she wolf POV

I saw as Jon and Aegon were surrounded by wights and a ice Spider blocking their way. I saw with horror as they were about to be killed hy it, when Rhaenys jumped from her Dragon and stabbed it when her sword, making it explode in a thousand pieces. Then they make a run for it, as more wights appeared and started to pass the defences "archers, get ready!" I said

"Archers!" Said ser Davos

"Fire!!!" Said Arya. Hundreds of arrows were fired and many make their target but many started to come to close "we need to set the fire wall!"

"You heard her!" Said ser Davos. Fire arrows were thrown to the wood but it was so cold, they extinguish before they reach the target

"That's not good" I said. I then saw that drunk red priest go to the geats and on his way to fire trap. He said some words in high valyrian and then the whole trap started to burn.

"Save by a red priest" said Davos " karma is a bitch"

"I agree on that" I said "wait, what are they doing?". The wights were going to the fire on porpoise "ohh, shit"

The Young Wolf POV

I survive the red wedding and compare to this, it's nothing. The wights were terrifying and they were everywhere. After running from the deadly ice spiders and enter Wintefell, I heard Arya curse and not a a second later, the door exploded and giant entered

"Son of bitch!" I said as I barely dodge the giant's big hand "where the fuck did you came from!"

"Hey fucker!" Said Jon "over here!"

"No!" Said Rhaenys "here!"

"Asshole, I am right here!" Said Aegon. As I saw Arya run, as she was been persuaded by twenty wights and at the same time, hundreds of wights entering where the giant destroyed the door "holy shit!". I was killing wight after wight as my brother, wife and brother in law where fighting the giant "these bastards won't stop coming!" I then saw one of them about to kill me, when someone cut it in two, it was Jaime Lannister, who was fostered here years ago and also help Jon in the war to take Winterfell back, redeeming himself for his previous crime.

"Need some help?" He asked

"It would came handy"  I answered as we started to kill more wights. Brianne of Tarth joining us, as well as the Golden Company survivors.

"The fucking spiders are climbing!" Screamed someone

"You got to be kidding me!" I screamed

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