The dragon queen II

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After we encounter with Robb Stark, someone who supposedly died at the horrible event known as the red wedding. But Rhaenys was happy as well as Jon. As we continue to walk to Winterfell and how we will plan to survive the Long Night. Robb Stark told us he survived the red wedding thanks to his uncle Brynden Tully but he was gravelly wounded at the red wedding and he ended in a coma state. Howland Reed put him close to the Heart tree, where they heal him but he doesn't know how.

"It's obviously magic" said Jon "with what I saw in Hardhome and what happen with me"

"The old Gods brought you back, brother" said Robb "it wasn't the red God that wanted a little girl burn"

"Well, that red God wanted me burned alive because I was the son of Robert Baratheon. Something about king's blood"

"Well, Robert Baratheon had Targaryen blood from his grandmother" said Aegon "I still hate that man"

"Well, he was a drunken foul" said Jon "a disgusting pig who said loved my mother but fucked many whores during his so called rebellion. No offense Gendry"

"No taken" Gendry said "it's the truth"

"So, Starks, Baratheons, Targaryens, Lannisters and Greyjoys, united to save the world from White Walkers" I said.

"Jon, Theon" said Robb Stark "do you remember when we went with father to beahead that deserter?"

"Of course" said Jon "is the day we found our companions"

"Remember how that deserter was talking like a mad man about them" Robb said "if only we had believed him. If only we had stopped father from leaving"

"We can't change the past" said Jon "we can only build a better future. Together, we can stopped them or die trying"

"As family" I said "we are bounded hy blood and marriage. We are going to fight a powerful enemy"

"And we will win" Jon said as we got close to Winterfell "whatever it takes"

"Whatever it takes" said Aegon

"Whatever it takes" I said

"Whatever it takes" said Robb

"Whatever it takes" said Rhaenys

"Whatever it takes" said Theon Krastark

"Whatever it takes" said Gendry Barathestark

Authors note 1: So this will be the last chapter for today, as I am getting low on battery.

Authors note 2: So what are yours thoughts on season 8?. For me the first two episodes were boring comparing to the previous seasons but that is my opinion and I am pissed because there are only four episodes left.

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