Naval battle part 1: Wolfs vs krakens

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The wild wolf POV

Jon put me in charge of the ships with the wildings. I had to kill all krakens. In the six months after the Night King defeat, we started to build our naval forces to battle the Euron Greyjoy. Jon told me it won't be easy, not even with the new weapon we discovered. Cannons we called them and with gunpowder. A dangerous powder thar if manage incorrectly, you blow up "Tourmound, how are the cannons?" I asked

"Ready and in position!" He answered "king crow ask me to keep an eye on you, wild wolf"

"I can take care of myself but thanks" I said to him

"I see the ships!!!" Said a wilding

"Let's give them hell!!!" I said as I unleashed my new sword, wolf claw. Made by my brother in law, Gendry Barastark.

"You heard him!!!!" Said a northerner, part of my crew.

"You won't win!!!" Said a Iron born "Where are your dragons?"

"We don't need dragons for naval battle" I said "fire!!!!!"

"Fire!!!!!" Screamed Tourmound


"Whattta!!!!" Said the unprepared iron born as he was blow up with part of the ship

"For King Eddard and king Jon!!!" I screamed

"Give them hell!!!" Screamed a wilding.


Another cannon was fired and it destroyed the captains room.


Another and it killed multiple Ironborn instantly. I heard multiple cannons been fired from the ships and destroying the ships rapidly.

"Time to board them!!!" I said as the Ironborn ships were on fire and already going down. Our ship got closed and then board the ship. I was young but I wasn't going to be at Winterfell doing nothing. I am prince Rickon Blackstark and will fight until my last breath. I killed am Iron born while Shaggy jumped to another and killing him by a bite in the throat.

"Holy shit!!!" Said an Ironborn when he saw the wolf but he didn't give up and try to kill me, only for him to be killed by Tourmound.

"Thanks" I said. I then heard bells ringing from King's Landing. Robb was discovered, shit. But I have a mission and that was to finished Euron Greyjoy's army for good "fire!!!!"


Another cannon was shot and brought another Ironborn ship down.

"The black wolf!!!!" Screamed the northerners and wildlings. Shaggydog started to howl in approval. I return to my ship and started to get ready to board another ship.

"Let's go!!!" I said.

AN: This came to my mind and I wrote it immediately. Tell me what you think about it and will wrote a second part.

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