The dragon queen I

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I was sitting alongside Aegon, we received news that king Jon Stark, alongside his companions, Gendry Barathestark and Theon Krastark and his commander of his Winter Guard, Jaime Lannister, will be arriving soon. They send a letter from White Harbor that they are arriving soon and with proof of the horrors that await humanity beyond the Wall, whatever that means and something else.

"So my little brother is coming" said Aegon "king in the north, who would have say it"

"Aegon, he has to kneel to you" I said s little pissed

"True" said Rhaenys "but I don't think he will. I heard the Starks are stubborn as mules"

"We are dragons, Rhae" said Aegon "he will kneel like the good little brother he is"

"Can I asked a question?" Asked Tyrion Lannister, our hand of the king

"Of course" said Aegon

"Have you ever heard of the Torrhen-Aegon pact?" He asked

"Never" said Aegon "why?"

"If the pact is true, is not something good" said Rhaenys "but I only heard rumors"

"What's the pact?" Asked Aegon

"Is more of a legend but it goes like this: Torren Stark make a pact with Aegon Targaryen, first of his name" Tyrion started "if a Targaryen murders any Stark in the future, then the north became's independent in that moment and any Stark born in the Stark family being from the male children or female children, will became a prince"

"Wait, wait" said Rhaenys "that would mean that Eddard Stark was a king the moment......"

"Aerys kill Richard and Brandon Stark" finished Tyrion "and Lyanna Stark was a princess of the north as well of the south"

"And Jon is a prince of both as well" I finished "and as he is the oldest cousin, he is king of the north by default"

"The pact is a legend" Tyrion said "but if he for some reason founded...."

"He won't kneel, ever" Aegon finished

"Exactly" said Tyrion "and even if he doesn't founded, he won't kneel. Too many Starks died in the south for the Iron Throne. His grandfather, his uncles and at the same time his adopted father, his brother and also cousin and even if she isn't a Stark by blood, the mother of his cousins also was butchered"

"The north remembers" said Rhaenys "the rumors of how house Frey was butchered by an assassin, is true what they say about the north, they will never forget"

"Well, we have to be in peace with Jon then" I said "he is and always will be family"

"That's true" said Rhaenys "and I love Lyanna like a mother and I will always remember her, she was good and kind"

"And we will" said Aegon "he is our little brother after all"

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