The White Wolf V

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It has been five months since The Great war was won. The price was high. King Aegon Targaryen sixth of his name was gravelly wounded and he died declaring me regent of his son, Eddard Targaryen, first of his  name, born five months after his dead but Daenarys didn't make either, she died of childbirth. They couldn't see the throne and I was going to win it for them. The north will be independent but I will make sure my nephew became king. Whatever it takes. I named my son Aegon. The northerners accepted, as many saw Aegon saving my life and they all agree to fight Cercei Lannister for little Eddard. Robb told me he will rule Dragonstone with Rhaenys and his daughter, Lyanna will became the next one. He will take the Targaryen name. Theon also died defending Bran, Sansa cried for days. When her son was born, she name him Rick and give them Mount Callin. We would rebuild it and make the castle the ford it was and Arya's child named was Catelyn (I forgot Arya's had a daughter too)

"Jon?" Arya said "it wasn't your fault, you know that, right?"

"I known" I answered "but he died saving my life. I am king of the north and king regent of little Ned"

"You will raise him to be a great king and make his namesake proud if he was alive" Arya said

"I will" I said then "Ned Stark may have been my uncle but he will always be my father"

"And you will always be my brother" said Arya as she hug me "Gendry says he will rule stagwolf castle with honor"

"That's a better name that Dreafford" I said then "did you found anything of the Bolton's?"

"No" Arya answered "it has already been wipe out completely. The Boltons have been forgotten"

"Good" I said "then your mother and all northerners who died because of them and the Bolton's can rest in peace"

"So when will be going to conquer King's Landing?" Sansa asked

"As soon as possible" I answered "Cercei will not surrender and if we are not careful, she can blow up the city. Ser Jaime, any ideas?"

"No" Jaime answered "but your right about blowing up the city. Maybe we could infiltrate as common people and try to get the wildfire away and putting fake ones instead"

"That's a good idea" said Arya "how about Night Watch brothers?"

"No" said Jon "the last one was Edd and he died fighting. They known the Wall fell. The Night Watch doesn't exist anymore"

"There is no porpoise for it" said Tyrion Lannister, former hand to Aegon and now he will help rule as much as he can until Ned Targaryen is of age. He will be raised alongside my son, Aegon Stark, his cousin. I will raised them as my uncle raised me and Robb. As brother's. They be kings. One will be king of the north and the other of the south.

"Call the banners" I said "time to go to war"

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