The battle for king's Landing final part

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The broken lion POV

"He kill the queen!!!" Screamed a Lannister commander

"Queenslayer!!!" Screamed another

"Attack!!!!" Screamed the first one

"Ready swords!!!" King Jon screamed. He unleashed his sword Longclaw "let's give them hell!!!". The doors opened and an army of Lannister men appeared and attack. We attack a as well. I was hearing the sounds of cannons been shoot. Looks like prince Rickon Blackstark is giving the Ironborn a hell of a battle.

"Your brother is giving the Ironborn scum a hell of a battle" I said to Jon

"He is" Jon answered as he cut a Lannister soldier. You committed kinslaying, I won't punish you for that and the Night Watch is gone, so the only thing I can punish you with is been King's guard for my nephew, is that okay?". Jon cut mercenary and Ghost killed another by destroying his throat.

"I guess it's impossible not to get punish" I said as I cut another Lannister soldier and then a mercenary.

The she wolf POV

I killed another mercenary while Nymeria and her pack where killing mercenaries at my side. Greywind was also killing Lannisters and mercenaries. Suddenly his head moved and he went towards Robb and Rhaenys and their men, who were coming to us. "The wildfire?" I asked

"It's on am abandoned ship going as far away as possible from here" Robb answered "the capitan has orders of ignited after leave it in a safe location and been far away from it"

"Good" I said " that liquid needs to be destroyed for good"

The sand dragon POV

As we were killing the Lannisters who refused to give up and were trying to enter the city.

"Just give up!!!!" Screamed Jon "it's over!!!"

"You are surrounded and your queen is dead!" Said Arya "give up!!!"

"Never!!!!!" Said the Lannister commander

"It's over!!!!. You don't get it?" Robb said to them "right now, the Greyjoy fleed is flames"

"It's not over un...." The Lannister commander fall down dead. A dagger on his back.

"I don't want to die" said a soldier then "I give up"

"Me too" said another soldier "we hate the Greyjoys anyway"

"We did it" said Jon "King's Landing is at the hand's of House Targaryen once more. Now Rickon has to finished Euron Greyjoy and his fleed"

"Let's enter the keep" I said "it's time for the Lion flags to go down"

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