The sand dragon II

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As we prepared for the fight that probably will be our last. Could we really defeat the army of the dead?. I was afraid. Afraid for the husband I thought dead. Afraid for the new baby that was growing in me. Afraid for my brothers, Jon and Aegon. Afraid for my my aunt and my little nephew growing in her. Afraid for my other nephew growing in Alys Karstark.

"Are you ready?" Asked Arya Stark, one of my sister's in law.

"As much as I can be" I answered "do you think we will win?"

"I don't know" Arya said "I am pregnant and I never thought I would became a mother but I will bring them hell if I have to"

"We will win, whatever it takes" said Jon "or we will die trying"

Our direwolfs are alive for a reason" said Robb "Greywind, Lady, Nymeria, Summer, Shaggydog and Ghost"

"They are very excited to fight" said Rickon "I wish I could say let's bring winter to them but they are bring it to us"

"Let's win the great battle" said Jon "let's do it together. Seven kingdom's fighting as one. Even they are divided in two. Even if there are two king's. Let's fight as one"

"What's the plan?" Asked Jaime Lannister

"The Night King wants me" said Bran then

"Why?" Asked Robb "why you?"

"Because I am the tree eye raven" said Bran "I known the history of Westeros, of the world"

"He wants to erase that" said Sam Tarly "he is death and he wants to erase our history"

"Then let's prevent that" said Theon "I will defend you"

"Theon, no please" said Sansa

"I took your home from you" said Theon "let me defend it"

"Okay" said Sansa with tears in her eyes. As she hug her husband. She knows her husband probably will die in this battle.

"I will defend you too, nephew" said Edmure Tully

"What?" Said Robb "are you crazy uncle?"

"I did some very stupid things" Edmure Tully said "I have to redeem myself of my failures. I became a prisoner for years, while my people suffered. My sister was murdered by that weasel. But not this time. I will not let anyone else die"

"Then I thank you" said Bran. Suddenly he close his eyes and they turned white.

"What's happening?" I asked scared

"Something bad" said Merra "something really, really bad"

"What do you mean?" Asked Jon

"He is getting close" said Bran "we have until the sun goes away"

"Shit" said Jon

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