The battle for King's Landing part 1

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The white wolf POV

When we arrived, Cercei was at the top, her face showed anger and madness. She had an army of mercenaries with her. Jaime Lannister walk to my side.

"Cercei, this ends now" he said "please, just give up"

"Shut up!!" Cercei said "you are traidors!!!. I will make sure you burn until nothing is left!!"

"Your mad" said Arya "your mad son murdered my father and your exactly like him, cruel and mad"

"How dare you little bitch!!!" Said Cercei. Come on, Robb. Please hurry up. Robb, Rhaenys alongside Davos and few others were entering King's Landing to get the wildfire and replaced with fakes. But they didn't have a lot of time.

"As you can see, my army is bigger than yours" said Cercei. Was she blind? "I have the Lannister army, the Ironborn and many lords who won't kneel to you, bastard!"

"We don't want more bloodshed!" I said "enough people died because of your mad son!"

"Don't you dare insult my son!" Said Cercei "he was your king!"

"He was a mad bastard!" Said Gendry "he ordered the murder of my half-siblings!. He was a monster!"

"Who the hell you think you are?" Cercei asked

"I am Gendry Barastark, true born son of Robert Baratheon!" Gendry said "you murder my dad for power, so your crazy mad son takes the throne and rip Westeros apart!"

"You little bastard!" Screamed Cercei "you want war?. So be it!"

The young wolf POV

I was getting to the place where Varys told me to go. Me and Rhaenys infiltrated with Davos and a few others, we started to replace the remaining wildfire with water with green ink. We didn't kill anyone until we found ourselves surrounded by mercenaries.

"Well, well" said one of them

"What we have here?" said another " a pair of common folk where they aren't supposed to be"

"And what we what have here, a beautiful lady with a commoner" said a Lannister soldier. He then try to touch Rhaenys but she cut his neck with her dagger. The mercenaries try to scream but I nailed my sword to one of them and my companion kill the other.

"We have to go and now" said Rhaenys

"When they find the bodies, we will be in trouble, let's go!" Said ser Davos. We nodded and started to go to the exit. After going close to the exit, the bells rang. Shit

The She-wolf POV

When I heard the bells, I knew something went bad with the plan, they probably had to kill soldiers.

"That can't be good" said Gendry. We saw as a mercenary got to Cercei and spoke to her ear. Her face turn red with anger.

"So?" She started "you think you can enter my city, kill my men and there will be no consequences?. Burn them all!!!"

"No!!!!!" Screamed Jaime Lannister, as he grabbed a bow and an arrow and then shoot it at Cercei, the arrow went throw her heart. The city didn't explode but Jaime Lannister did it for duty and protect King's Landing.

AN 1 : How did I do it?. Please review and as you ask, I will do it in parts but not as many as The Great War. If you want changes in the chapter, I can do it with pleasure, after the horrible ending, it's better to listen to the fans.

AN 2: I just remember that Jaime Lannister lost a hand, so he can't throw an arrow but I thought of an idea, if Quyborn can ressurect the mountain, why not put a new hand to him and use whatever he did to the Mountain to make it work?. Tell me what you think.

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