The young wolf I

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I was once again in war clothes.  Fighting for my nephew Ned Targaryen. Jon was named king regent by Aegon and while the north will remained independent, something that makes me happy. The thought of war make me afraid. What if I die for real this time?. I don't want my son to grow without a father. But I have a duty and I will put Eddard Targaryen first of his name on that throne, whatever it takes.

"I wish I have been with you when you march to avenge father" Jon said

"Jon, you have your destiny in the north" I said then "what if we both died for real in the red wedding?. Or in a battle?"

"Your right" said Jon "but I wanted to avenge father"

"We already have, Jon" I said to him "the Lannisters already payed when Tyrion killed his father, when Arya killed Walder Frey and his spawn and when Theon killed the bastard of Bolton"

"I guess your right" said Jon "winter has come to our enemies but their is one more to kill"

"Cercei Lannister" I said with anger "the lion bitch"

"That's a great name" said Jon. We were getting close to King's Landing by the minute. Our army was restless to kill Lannisters and all those traidors who were with the lion bitch.

AN: Should I make the battle for king's Landing in parts like the Great war? Or by characters?. Please comment and vote.

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