The flying wolf I

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I was learning many things from the past, from the present and the future. In the past I learn the truth of Jon, I saw Jaime Lannister saving two dragons from horrible fates as well as he saving King's Landing from a mad king, I saw once again Theon's redemption of his betrayal by saving us and faking our deaths. From the present I learn about Jon's murder by his Night Watch brothers and his ressurecction, the growing madness of Cercei Lannister, the redemption of Jaime Lannister, about Tyrion serving the dragons, about my family getting ready for revenge and making our enemies fell winter and from the future I learn of Jon's destiny. His destiny to became the king in the north and bring a new dawn to the world. To save us from the White Walkers and their army of the dead. How he alongside Rhaenys, Aegon and Daenarys will save us all.

"Bran" said Merra "are you okay?"

"Yes" I said "I am happy to find my family alive and well. Preparing to give Winter to everyone that wrong us"

"Winter is coming" Mirra said

"And the dead come with it" I said. Only together. The whole realm  united or the Night King will kill every living person of the world"

"United we stand, divided we fall" said Mirra

"Like my brother and cousin will say, there is only one war that matters the great war and it is here" I said

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