author's note 3

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The Great War will be more than three parts and also, I want to ask, should I let it end like the show or I should change who kills the Night King. Also, episode three was good but not that good. Like seriously, they mentioned the fucking Ice spiders in the Hardhome episode and when the Long Night comes, there are not spiders, like what hell????!!!. Why mentioned them, if they wouldn't lit them and then they put the excuse of uppps, no time for CGI, so Jon can't say goodbye to Ghost. Really?. That's a very lame excuse. They put the Dragons for less than 5 minutes, not to mention that they kill one and they can't show Ghost for one more minute?. They made three super boring chapters and now it's only two left. I am so waiting for the Winds of Winter, because I known it will be much better than the show, what do you think?. I will try to post one more part of the Great War today, of not, I will do it this week

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