The Kraken wolf I

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I fake Bran amd Rickon's deaths. As well as mine as soon as that mad bastard murdered Ser Rodrick. I help them escape and I saw as the place I been calling home for years was burned. I decided to stay with Rickon and protect him at all cost. After being in hidding for three years, I decided to take him to Jon. It was time I pay for my own crimes. I wanted or not, I have to pay for what I did. We manege to convince the natives to give us a ship that will take us close to the Wall. Is time I face my crimes. Time to face Stark justice. If Jon forgives me, something I doubt I will do anything he wants me to do, if I have to join the Watch with him, I will do it. If he wants my head, I will die as should. I will die as a wolf. I was born a kraken but I was raised by wolfs and I will not die been a craven Iron Born, I will die been a wolf, the kraken of the north.

"Theon, is that the Wall?" Rickon asked

"Yes" I said "that's the Wall. We are here"

"Hold!!!" Said then a man from the tower "who are you and what do you want?"

"I Theon Greyjoy, I bring Rickon Stark to his brother Jon Snow" I said with no fear

"The turncloak" said the man "lord Snow will cut off your head. Open the gates!!".

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