The wild wolf III

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Home, it was clode but so far at the same time. My brother's army was big and we will destroy the Boltons, they will pay for their betrayal. Right now we were at a parly with the Ramsay Snow and his ttaidorus father.

"Thank you for returning me my wife" said Ramsay Snow "now kneel to us, swore fealty to us and we wil forget that you deserted"

"Wife?" Jon said "Sansa, did you marry this bastard?"

"No" said Sansa "I didn't marry this bastard. Arya?"

"I would never marry this low born bastard" Arya said "I already marry someone I love"

"What do you mean, girl?" Asked Lady Dustin "you marry him"

"No, I didn't" said Arya "I just returned North, I haven't been her in years"

"They deceived" said Jon "the Boltons are like that. You swore to house Stark, I give you the chance to redeem yourselves now"

"We will never fight for a wilding lover" said SmallJon Umber

"You have no idea what's going on, do you?" Jon said "well, if you want to fight, so be it then. You will die tomorrow, Roose Bolton and you too Ramsay Snow"

"I a Bolton!" Said Ramsay

"Decreed by who?" Arya said "Tommen?. He is another bastard, so that decree is useless and your still s bastard"

"My brother Jon was degreed a Stark" I said "by our brother Robb Stark who was murdered by your hands, Roose Bolton"

"I will feed you to my hounds" said Ramsay "they are starving"

"See you tomorrow" said Jon "Winter has already came for house Frey and now it will came for house Bolton". We then turned our houses around and went to camp. We were discussing who was the fake Arya Stark.

"Who could possibly have that monster married?" Asked Arya

"I don't know" said Jon "but Ramsay thought it was you and that you escaped, somehow"

"Whoever it was, she may have kot survive" said Sansa. I watch the faces of my family until I landed on Jon's face.

"What's wrong, Jon?" I asked

"I think I know who Ramsay marry" Jon said "before I was killed, a girl came to the Wall. I didn't recognize her in that moment, as she had many scars"

"Who was she?" Sansa asked "and what happen to her?"

"She died of her wounds" Jon answered "and she was Jeyne Poole"

"Jeyne?" Sansa said with tears in her eyes "what happened to her body?"

"I burned so she wouldn't turn into a wight" Jon answered "her rests are in the Wall. I will send a message as soon as I can to the Wall, so they can bring her rests to us and then we will buried her in Winterfell"

"Thanks Jon" said Sansa "we will avenge her"

"We will avenge all the Boltons victims" said Theon "including our brother"

"Let's bring winter to house Bolton" Jon said. We all nod

The batte for Wimterfell begins....

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