The red wolf III

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"Your parents?" I said "your saying as Eddard Stark wasn't your father"

"He was my father but not my blood father" Jon answered "I was born as Jaeharys Targaryen in Dorme, in a place called...". Jaime Lannister interrupted me.

"Tower of Joy" he said "Rhaegar took Lyanna there after they married"

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"I was a witness of the wedding" Jaime answered "Rhaenys was there as well, she was enthusiastic to have another mom to have another sibling. I help smuggle her and Aegon out of King's Landing before my father got the city. When she heard of Lyanna's death, she cried hard. I only took her to a ship that Varys got and then return to the throne room, only to be learn of my father's betrayal and Aerys...ultimate plan for the city"

"So they are alive" Jon said

"Yes" Jaime said "they are and will be happy to see you alive"

"Will they?" Jon asked "I mean, we are declaring Independence"

"Those two are good, believe me" Jaime answered "Rhaenys and Aegon were raised as bastards of Dorme. Aegon of his uncle Doran and Rhaenys in the Daynes. They were raised as friends untill Rhaenys told the truth to Aegon, when he try to kiss her"

"Ouch" said Arya "getting your heart broken by your own sister"

"I am glad you arrived" Jon said "I was getting married and I only had only one family member with me"

"I am glad we arrived" said Arya "I wanted to asked you permission to marry my friend Gendry"

"But Arya, I am a bastard" the boy named Gendry answered

"A royal bastard" said Arya

"Royal bastard?" Jon said "your Robert Baratheon son, aren't you?"

"Yeah" he said "I am, how did you figure it out?"

"Your a copy of him" Jon said "only thinner"

"I meet your uncle once" Gendry said "he was taller". Jon and Gendry then laughted.

"They look like Ned Stark and Robert Baratheon" Jaime said "I am seeing ghosts"

"Hello, Sansa, Arya" said then the voice of the traidor that betrayed our family, Theon Greyjoy.

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