5. Adyant's Life

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Chapter 5

If broken hearts were supposed to be like this, I would have never followed the sayings of my mother to give a chance to love. If I could put blame on my parents, I did it a thousand times over and over. It was their mistake. They made love seemed so effortless, so precious, but yet, forgot to mention the agony of the betrayal that love could give.

They were liars.

An act of love for others to follow.

"Do you need that?" The question of my sister pulled me back to the dining table. Glancing at my plate of pie, I shook my head and passed it to her side. "That's weird. How you gave up your pie?"

"Do you fucking want it or not?" I growled at Udisha, and at my tone, she recoiled on her chair, hurt wrapped on her face and the conversation on the table dimmed down.

"Adyant," Dad's voice echoed in the room. "That's not how you speak to your sister."

"She is not even my sister!"

I should have thought about my words, should have seen what they would do to her when a week ago she settled it down with her parents. I heard her chair screech, her feet striking the floor as she ran out of the table. From beside me, I could see Yuvraj and Kiyan glaring at me before taking off after her.

"Alina teach some manners to your son," Bhua taunted.

"Seriously Adi?" Uncle breathed before taking off after his daughter, and I was left alone with mom and dad on the table, my gaze focused on the plate and her empty chair.

"I shouldn't have said that." Before they could lecture me, I stood up from the chair, grabbed the beer from the table and marched to the garden to sit down on the wetness, but nothing helped as my thoughts wondered to her smile, her words, and at last, her betrayal.

A body sat next to mine.

We didn't say anything.

"Broken heart?" Mamu asked.

I dragged a heavy breath, twisted my face to display the tightness in my eyes. "It hurts so much."

"I know."

And he clicked our drinks, and we were silent again, watching the sky as if it had all the answers for my broken heart.


"I am not sure why I agreed to come with you," Grumbling under my breath, I slid into the leather seat booth and offered an annoyed expression to Kiyan and Udisha. However, avoiding my insult, they peered into the menu.

I shouldn't have apologized to her for my words if it meant I had to take her and Kiyan down for a dinner down the road. But ignoring the venom thoughts, I glanced down at the menu, ordered whatever flashed first in my mind and busied myself in the phone's screen.

"She left you a month ago," Kiyan said nonchalantly. "I have never seen you hung up on a girl." Because she wasn't just a girl. She made me response to things I didn't care about. She made me see I was more than just a son and brother. She just felt right, but yet, a lie I didn't know how to rub off. "I have a perfect plan. Take a girl."

I slipped my gaze off to Udisha. "Cover your ears."

"I won't," she sassed. "I am nineteen. I am aware of what kind of Casanova man are you." The red pipe stuck in her smirking lips unnerved me more. "And I also have a boyfriend."

"Do you want to break up?" My phone vibrated. "I guess not. That reminded me. I need his number to talk to him."

"Why?" She dragged out.

Always Is Not Forever (Breaking Myself - Part II)Where stories live. Discover now