6.1 The One Where I Revisit

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*This chapter is divided into two parts because of too many words. Don't forget to read Chapter 5 before jumping here. Next Update will come in April.

[ A L I N A ' S P O V ]

"You should've called your dad." Meenu Auntie chided me as soon as she caught my luggage bag. A frown settled on her face, disappointment covered her whole face, but I ignored it and stared at my wrist and traced the path of the bandage.

"I did," I said emotionlessly. "He didn't pick up."

Called him after a month, called everyone after a month, conveying I would be next week because I was going worried sick about Kabir's mother because I was scared staying alone in the hostel among few girls. I had thought of staying in Kabir's apartment, but then let the thought sail away.

See them once and get over it. Get over because you need to.

Putting my luggage at the back, she sat back with me and told the cabbie the address to home.

"What about this secrecy?" She demanded.

When nobody had picked up the call, I had called Meenu Auntie, informing her and she was delighted I was coming back. I had told her I would catch a cab, but she hushed down my plans and informed she would tell mom, but I stopped her.

"What secrecy?" I opened my book. "They didn't bother to pick up the call."


I raised my eyebrows. "Festive moods, Auntie. Be happy."

"They would get to know when you'll be home."

I didn't bother to reply and let myself sink into the words in front of me, the world that built around me, the walls I pulled up to ignore everything around me. I didn't care they would know I was here. I came only for Kabir. I came because I was scared staying there. I came because I was angry at my roommate. I came because I wanted to tell on their faces to stop calling me. I didn't miss them. I didn't care about them. In any realm, I didn't want to have any contact with them. If dad desired, he could cut my money off.

You care.

No, I don't.

Then why you came?

Ignoring my thoughts, I lifted my head, noticing we were outside the house. I had almost forgotten how it looked, how haunting it was, how terrified I was in the same place.

Closing the book, I got out of the car, moved back and took out my bag. Meenu Auntie paid the cabbie, and we moved into the house. The security guard nodded seeing me.

My mouth was dry, my steps seemed stuck and everything blinded in front of me. In Bangalore, I had thought I was safe, away from his prying hands and eyes. And I had come back to the den I once escaped.

"Alina, you okay?" Meena Auntie invaded my ears.

Closing my eyes for a bit, I nodded. Walking further, I entered the house and glanced around to find nothing was changed.

"I made your favorite dishes," She told from beside me, let the maid carry the bag. "Get fresh. Your room is same as before, and nobody touched your bookshelves." Giving her a smile, I climbed and entered my room. Everything was clean and placed in their right order, giving away nobody had been here for months.

I'm back

I caught my wrist tightly. My gaze fell on the bed, placed in the center of the room.

Don't hide under the bed, Alina.

My eyes widened and I stepped back until back touched the spine of the books, pointing harshly.

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