55.1 - The One Where I Realise My Mistakes

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[ K A B I R ' S P O V ]

"Done?" I asked, curling my hands around the arms of the chair and leaned back to remove the weight of her words held by my heart.

She screamed for half an hour, not screamed but paced back and forth in the living room, waving her hands in the air to reveal the frustration held by her heart, to make my ears bleed from the voices she screamed but each of her reason was true.

I ignored her.

I ignored her calls, made my team of assistants handle them.

I broke our promises.

I kept her at the distance.

I hurt her more as a wife than I did when she was my girlfriend.

I almost made her divorce me and get rid of us.

I drowned myself in work, ignoring my sister. I had no idea what was going in her life except the call I made to Rahul in the morning to know about her current boyfriend while leaving the office.

His brother, huh. I had met him, not even someone who could hurt anyone.

Inhaling a swift breath, she nodded and peered at the dozen of glasses stowed on the table. Empty glasses. She drank too much water while screaming.

"One more thing." She held up her finger. "When I was sick there, I asked for my husband, not my father. I was living in your hotel. You could've asked anyone." She threw a cushion at my direction, hitting my chest. "I don't need to ask for your attention. You give it to me yourself. And that Sanya, tell her to get the fuck off." She sprinted to my side, fisting my collar in her hands. "You're my husband and I'm your wife. She's intruding in a fucking marriage of ours."

I arched my lips into a smile. There she was, the thing I had been waiting for her. Her abusive tongue when she found me with others, the same fire lashing in her eyes, the same anger wrapping her face, the same bookworm of mine.

"Intruding? How?"

"She has her eyes on something that belongs to me."

"Am I an object now?" I tried to act offended but a warmth spurted in my heart. Even after my behaviour, she thought me as hers.

She narrowed her eyes. "Your manipulation won't work on me. We have been together for nearly seven years. Try to use that on someone else who doesn't know you."

"Uff, you break my heart."

"Then let it be broken for a while. Taste your own medicine." Sliding her hands, she stood on her toes and inched back to maunder her gaze around the farmhouse. The getaway had been to the farmhouse in Manger, to be around nature as she loved it and in hope, it would calm some of her anger.

However, the journey to here had fuelled it.

And my ears were the witnesses to them.

"Hungry?" I offered, standing up. "I will make us a lunch. Indian."

"Don't make me further angry," She curled her lips in a snarl. "I would rather order from outside."

"Won't do any good. You'll find no restaurant. I'm a good cook. I got it stocked last night." Gripping her hand, I pushed her to me and carried us to the kitchen, sticking next to the hallway and turned on the lights. "You know I'm a good cook."

She smiled nervously. "Not in case of Indian."

"Trust me," I smiled or tried to, knowing the history of burned dishes in our apartment. How peaceful we were that time, just two of us. "Today I'm at your service." I moved to grab the apron and she helped me to tie it.

Always Is Not Forever (Breaking Myself - Part II)Where stories live. Discover now