Marilyn's eyes are not blue but they're not green either, it's peculiar because their colour is somewhere in between making these girls match. She doesn't have Satine's slenderness or Valerie's glowing dark skin; in fact if you look at her you wonder why she's part of our group. She's a curvy girl and naturally curly blonde that wins all the fellows from a simple flick of her hair. And tonight she fits the darker shades by wearing dark green gown baring one shoulder and arm, the dress being held up by one thick strap.

"I told you she would be alright." Marilyn said to Valerie proudly. "She's our girl no wolf is going to take her down." Marilyn grabbed my shoulders and stared at Valerie with amusement shining in her eyes.

"Excuse me for worrying." Valerie trapped me in one of her hugs again then pulled back to grab my face staring at me sternly. "You shouldn't be out there when the wolf is about." Don't I know it. I couldn't help but think.

"If my grandparents can survive the full moon so can I." I stated.

"I would kill for your grandmother's cookies right now." Satine sighed blissfully.

"What happened last night?" Valerie asked missing on Satine's attempt to change the topic.

"I heard the wolf never even left the cave. It was a quiet night until everyone realised you were missing." Mari said squeezing my hands. At that I couldn't wait. They are the only people who will believe me.

"We thought it got you Luna! Do you know how worried we were last night? Do you even care of how many stress wrinkles I now have?" Valerie continued distressed.

"Ladies I did not roll out of bed so we could walk all the way out here and whine." Satine sighed exasperated. "Especially at Luna's lunacy. We already know she's a complete idiot."

"Agreed." They said in unison.

"But the only reason you came for was for the food." Valerie said dully. "However you're right lets keep walking, that party starts with or without us." She suddenly eyed me up suspiciously. "You smell different."

I tilted my head amused. "What an odd thing to say."

She scrunched up her nose disgusted. "You smell like a wet dog."

"Well my father did bathe this morning and we all know how much that does not make a difference." I replied plainly.


Once exiting the very wealthy part of the city where I lived we found ourselves in busier streets stopping at a cake shop. This is a very important stop.

"Is there a particular reason he likes carrot cake so much?" Marilyn asked as she paid. I eyed at the white box wrapped in red ribbon to hold it together.

"Well you love chocolate cake." I pointed out dragging the box across the counter so it was in front of me.

"So do you." She pulled the box back in front of her. "Oh let's get chocolate cake!" Mari's eyes sparkled but Valerie rolled her eyes at the idea taking the cake out of Mari's hands and holding it under her arm so it was hidden by her black cloak.

"Satine did you pay for those?" Val questioned. Satine had a cupcake shoved in her mouth and a plate of cookies in her arms hidden by her own cloak. Satine simply gestured her head to the door so I left a few coins on the counter and Satine nodded her head in appreciation before walking out the door. "Stop using her money Sat."

"It's my father's money, it doesn't matter." I shrugged.

"Still..." Valerie said walking out beside me. "You need to stop encouraging her."

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