Where Did All These Feelings Come From?

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Damon POV:

When Bonnie slammed the door shut he turned towards her and gave her a smirk.

"So Bon-bon where is your grimore?" She glared at him and walked upstairs. A couple of moments later she came back with her grimore and the same frown on her face.

"Ok here are the rules," Bonnie started. "You don't get to touch this without my permission. Actually, you don't get to touch anything without my permission. If I find out you did I will burn you alive. Do I make myself clear, Salvatore?" Damon nodded with smirk on his face suddenly feeling astonished by the ball on his little witch. His witch? Bonnie would not like him claiming her. But since when did I start caring about what Bonnie like, he thought mischievously.

"Bon-bon if we're going to be in a relationship you are going to have to trust me", he said getting up and walking towards her. Bonnie looked at him is disbelief.

"Relationship? What relationship?" She hissed.

"Well wouldn't it be a great cover to say that we are in a relationship," Damon countered. I mean we are going to be spending a lot of time together since we need to find out more about the spell, how to disarm it and why Luka did what he did. If we tell the other the truth they might get worry and interfere and even though right now you aren't really fond of anyone *cough* Elena... you still don't want them to get hurt. Because that's who you are, Bonnie Bennett. You are selfless and brave and you always do the right thing even if it bites you in the ass later on".

Bonnie gawked at Damon clearly stunned that those words just came out of Damon Salvatore's mouth. Damon could have sworn he heard her heart skipped a beat. Probably just because she was shocked. That's all. He study her face while she came up with a decision and was overall pleased on the way she looked. Her olive green eyes glisten with everlasting determination and a little confusion , but who wouldn't be confused in her situation. Her caramel skin was clear and looked to be smooth. Damon had a sudden urge to run his hands up and down her arms. Her full lips looked plump and soft and went great with her heart-shaped face. Damon knew he shouldn't be having these thoughts, so he quickly shooked it out of his head. Wouldn't want the witch burning me alive.

"Ok," Bonnie declared. "I admit it does seem like a good plan". Damon was confused for a second and realized he had been so lost in thought he had forgotten what they were talking about. He quickly remembered and gave Bonnie his signature smirk. Before Bonnie could say something to wipe that smirk off from his face her phone began ringing. She grabbed her phone from her back pocket and saw the caller id. Damon saw her smile at the phone and answered it.

"Hi Jer." Damon frowned.

"Hi Bon, I just heard about what happened, are you ok?"

"Uhh yeah thanks for calling. Who told you?"

"Elena, she's...pissed".


"Bonnie if it any consolation I totally agree with you amd I am so happy you stood your ground." Bonnie smile grew wider and Damon became more annoyed. "Also... I was hoping we could meet up and maybe catch a movie".

Before Bonnie could accept Damon wooshed in front of her and grabbed her phone.

"My apologies Baby Gilbert , Bonnie is not going to be able to make that date you oh so desperately need since she's already dating the stud you are talking to now. Goodbye now. Oh and tell Elena I said hi." He hunged up the phone, gave it back to her and walked back to the couch leaving Bonnie with her mouth gaping open trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Damon you shouldn't have done that," she practically screeched.

"Well its better than what you were doing."

"And what was I doing?"

"You were entertaining the idea of you guys being together when in reality Bon-bon, you don't have feelings for him."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because Bonnie like I said before you are selfless. You put everyone's needs before yourself and it's sweet that you do that, really, but at the end of the day Bons you aren't going to be happy. You fool yourself into thinking that if everyone else is happy, you're happy. But it's not true. I didn't want to admit this before but what you did yesterday was the right thing to do, for your own sanity. You need to start doing that more often." Before she could stop herself a tear slid down her cheeks and she hurried to wipe it off. She didn't get the chance to because Damon's hand was already at the side of her face wiping the tear with his thumb.

"It's getting late, I should go." Bonnie nodded and he made his way out of the house. Instead of taking his car, he decided to just leave it at Bonnie's house and walk to his house. He had a lot to think about. When he reached the Salvatore's mansion, Stefan was waiting at the door with his arms folded. Damon rolled his eyes and groaned.

"To what I owe this pleasure little brother?" He asked sarcastically.

"I just got off the phone with Elena. Apparently Jeremy told her you and Bonnie are dating. So my question is what are you up to?"

"Stefan I'm not up to anything. I went to the witch's house to apologize and beg her to help us again. She got emotional and started to get touchy. One thing led to another.... let me spare the details, she was no longer screaming out of anger." Damon was of course lying and Stefan knew that, but he still couldn't help wincing at the last part.

"You're lying."

"Yeah and what are you going to do about it?"

"You know Jeremy really liked her. Elena told me he locked himself in his room and wouldn't come out." Damon clenched his jaw.

"I'm going to tell you this once and feel free to pass on the message. Bonnie is mine and I'll be damn if you, Elena or Baby Gilbert take her away from me." Damon did not know where all the possessiveness came from but he wass too angry to dwell on that. "I will kill the unlucky bastard who thinks he could boss me around and try to keep me away from my witch. Last time I checked, Emily told me to take care of her bloodline and if that means killing some people then so be it."

Damon pushed past Stefan and made his way into his room. Stefan could tell he was serious and became a little worried.

Where Did All These Feelings Come From?

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