The Bond Becomes Stronger

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Elena's Pov:

    Elena Gilbert was fed up. Nobody has paid the slightest bit of attention of her in a while. They've all been focused on Bonnie and Damon's relationship. Bonnie is ignoring her, Damon is spending all his time with Bonnie, so is Caroline, Stefan is busy trying to figure out why Bonnie and Damon are together, Matt is also ignoring her and Jeremy is depressed.

    Elena honestly does not see what she did wrong but she knows it must be bad or else everyone wouldn't be ignoring her. When did Bonnie even have feelings for Damon. She knew Damon had feelings for her and vise versa. Elena knew it was bad she had feelings for her boyfriend's brother, but she couldn't help it. She loved both of them and expected them to love her back. She didn't find this weird because Elena gets what she wants. That's just the way it was in Mystic Falls.

    Elena sat in first period wondering where Bonnie and Caroline was. Both of their seats were empty and the teacher seemed oblivious to the absentness of his students. She looked to the right of her to see Stefan staring at her. She gave him a weak smile. At least someone is paying attention to her. She looked across the room to her left and saw Matt. Matt noticed her staring, gave a quick glance and turned back to the teacher. Why is Matt mad at me? I'll talk to him later. Elena sighed and played with her pencil still focused on why Bonnie and Damon are all of sudden together. She was so focused on that that she didn't notice Rebekah Mikaelson walking in the classroom with a smile plastered on her face.

    "Now class I would like to introduce a new student," Mr. Troth, the teacher, gushed causing Elena to look up. "Rebekah Mikaelson". Elena heart frozed for a moment and started beating really fast. She turned to Stefan and saw the veins start to pop out from underneath his eyes. Elena jumped up in a flash with her hand in the air. "Yes Ms. Gilbert."

    "Stefan isn't feeling well. May I please take him to the nurse."

    "If Mr. Salvatore isn't feeling well he can take himself to nurse, there is no reason for you to supervise him Ms. Gilbert."

    "How about I take him," Rebekah interrupted with the same grin on her face that looked as if it grew wider.

    "Well umm....I don't.... that's probably not such a great idea Rebekah," Mr. Troth stuttered, almost as if he was afraid. Rebekah took a step closer to him.

    "I said, I will take Stefan to the nurse," She repeated her voice getting dangerously low. Mr. Troth pushed up his glasses up his nose. He turned to Stefan.

    "Mr. Salvatore, this lovely young woman offer to escort you to the nurse's office," He told him. "I suggest you go." Stefan gave Elena a look and got up to reluctantly follow Rebekah out the room.

    Elena heart was still beating fast. Stefan could handle himself. She was sure of it. 10 minutes has past and Stefan and Rebekah still have yet to return. Elena grew more and more worried. 15 minutes. 20 minutes. The bell ringed and both of them still hasn't showned up. She quickly packed up her stuff getting prepared to search the whole school for Stefan. As she was leaving the classroom she felt a hand grab her arm pulling her back. She turned to see Matt with a worried look on his face.

    "Elena, what's going on. I saw Stefan's face changing." Elena grabbed his hand and pulled him into the hallway.

    "Rebekah Mikaelson. Sounds familiar? That's Klaus's sister." Matt eyes widen and looked around.

    "Look, you know how in Mr. Troth class I sit next to the window? I saw Stefan and Rebekah leave the school." Elena's eyes widen as well and her heart started racing.

    "What are we going to do?" She asked having a mini panic attack. Matt gave her a look. "What?"

    "Bonnie," he simply stated. Elena folded her arms and looked away. "Elena, if Rebekah is as dangerous as her brother, Stefan is in danger. Ok? This is no time for your petty shit."

    "Matt what the hell is your problem," Elena barked. "You ignore me all day and when I finally speak to you say some insulting shit like that."

    "I just don't like the way you've been treating Bonnie or the rest of us for that matter."

    "How I treat you?"

    "Look, right now is not the best time to talk about this." She nodded in agreement. "Come on let's skip the rest of the school day." Making sure no one was looking they swiftly made their way out of the school and into Matt's car.

Damon's Pov

    Damon didn't know when he turned into such a sap. As soon as they made it to the Salvatore's mansion Damon immediately kicked Caroline out. Well, not before she cursed him out for being an ass. Now he was alone with Bonnie in his room.

    "Sooo," Bonnie said awkwardly.

    "Sooo," Damon repeated back. He silently cringe at how awkward he was being. He was never this....un-smooth. Come on idiot step up your game. He took a few step closer to her until they only a couple of inches apart. He heard her heart beat increase and he smirk. He reached out and put a strand of hair behind. "Mi amore, sei bella, sei molto bella." Bonnie leaned into the touch and her eyes fluttered shut. She's beautiful. Before Damon could even think about it he leaned in for a kiss.

    His lips merely brushed her pink lips causing Bonnie to shuddered in anticipation. He pressed his lips harder against her making Bonnie wrap her arms around his neck pulling him closer. She opened her lips to allow access for his tongue. With no hesitation he massaged his tongue against her earning a moan from her. His undead heart felt like it was beating a thousands beat per minute. He wrapped his arms around her plump bottom and pulled her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist. Damon pushed both of them onto the bed and then  remembered she was a human and needed air so he moved from her lips and started sucking and kissing her neck. Bonnie moaned as he rolled his hips against her lady-bits. Just as he was about to lift up her shirt(if Bonnie would allow him to get that far) there was a knock on the door. Damon growled which caused a gasp from Bonnie.

    "Sorry mi amore," he whispered in her ear. He reluctantly rose pulling Bonnie up with him and head to the door to see no other than Elena and Matt. "Ahh if it isn't the Men- Killer And Boy Wonder." Elena rolled her eyes and looked at Bonnie. She squinted her eyes and started to turn red out of anger.

    "Bonnie, what's that on your neck?" She hissed. Bonnie herself turned red realizing Damon must have given her hickies and attempted to cover it up with her shoulder length hair. Damon wore an arrogant smile on his face out of proudness of his achievements of Bonnie's neck.

    "Nothing Elena. What are you guys doing here anyways?" Bonnie question herself. Matt could see that Elena was not ready to let that slide so before she could say anything back he decided he would answer the question.

    "Bonnie we need your help." Damon could see Bonnie becoming agitated and he didn't what a repeat on what happened at the grill.

    "Bon-Bon made it very clear that she doesn't want to help out anymore. She's been through enough stress using her magic and I will not have my witch stress the fuck out," Damon stated with enough finality in his voice that made everyone's throat dry.

    "Bon-bon?! My witch?!?" Elena practically screeched. Matt stepped in again.

    "Please Damon. We wouldn't ask for Bon's help if it wasn't urgent. It's Stefan. We think he might be in trouble." This caught Damon's attention.

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