Just Great

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Bonnie's POV:

The next day Bonnie awoke to banging on her door. As predicted her father wasn't there, he was on another business trip. Typical. Bonnie slowly got out of bed and made her way to the front door. The person who was banging on her door was no other than Damon Salvatore.

    "Good Morning witch. We need to talk." Bonnie rolled her eyes.

    "What the hell are doing here Damon. I don't want to talk to any of you guys, I thought I made that clear yesterday."

    "Oh you made that very clear. But you see here's the thing. I don't care. You are going to go to Elena, you are going to apologize and then you are going get over on whatever problems you have with your mother and help us."

    "No Damon I will not. However, you are going to get the fuck off my property." He inhaled and closed his eyes.

    "Invite me in." Bonnie stared at him and laughed.

    "Yeah, I'm going get invite the person who made my life a living hell."


    "No Damon be real. Why the hell would invite you in. So you could force me into helping out a girl who doesn't even give a fuck about you and who is fucking your brother as we speak?" His eyes darkened and his jaw clenched. Bonnie almost felt scared of him. Almost.

    "You are going to invite me in, or I swear I will go to you neighbors house, Mrs. Blake right? Yeah her. And then I'm going snap her neck right in front of you." Bonnie's heart start beating fast and her eyes widened.

    "You're bluffing," she said her voice cracking a bit. Damon rose one of his eyebrows and gave her a look. Bonnie sighed.

    "Damon Salvatore....please come in". He smiled and brushed pass her. Bonnie inhaled and exhaled and closed the door.

    "So what do you want? What..what was the purpose of threatening to kill just to get in my house."

    "And here I thought I was welcomed here, you know since we are such great friends," he replied sarcastically. Bonnie gave him a look. "Look I just don't get you". Bonnie scrunched up her face.

    "What do you mean you just don't get me? I think I'm pretty vocal about how I feel. Like when I say I don't want you here, I don't want you here."

    "I'm serious, Bonnie. Look I've know I've been a huge dick to you but just because your angry with me doesn't mean you should take it out on Elena."

    "I'm not angry at you. Well, kinda but I'm more angry at Elena. We are suppose to be friends and she doesn't even care about how I feel. Everything I do is for her. Every time I risk my life it's for her. I don't even have problem with Klaus but because Elena hates him I have to hate him too". Bonnie sighed and leaned back on the wall. "But nobody cares". Just as she said that there was a knock at the door. She opened it and rolled her eyes. To her surprise Luka was standing in front of her.

    "Um hey Luka what are doing here?" Instead of answering her he invited himself and grab her hand tightly.

    "Hey buddy what the hell are you doing," Damon yelled as a whoosh across the room to grab ahold of Luke. That gave Luka the opportunity to grab Damon.

    "Phasmatos attuning Melan Veras Raddium Onu Pavadus Ponemus". Bonnie instantly knew what that spell was and screamed out "NO!" But it was too late. A flash of light struck both Both Bonnie and Damon and they both collapsed on the floor unconscious.

3 hours later:

    Bonnie awoke to a major headache and slightly confused daze. Then everything came rushing back to her and she started panicking. A life linking spell! The nerve of that asshole! She was now linked to Damon the great ass. Speaking of the devil, Bonnie heard a groan coming the vampire next to her on the floor. He arose from the floor slowly clutching his head.

    "What the hell happened Bonnie, your crazy friend just bust in and put a damn spell on us. What was the spell anyways?" Bonnie bit her lips and avoid eye contact. Damon, of course, notice this.

    "Bonnie? What. Was. The. Spell?" Bonnie stood up in front of Damon and inhaled. In breath she exclaim, "Luke binded us together in a life spell!"

    "What does that mean," he said while grabbing onto her shoulder.

    "It means that our life is connected. It's not really a bad thing".

    "Not a bad thing?"

    "Yeah your just being a baby Damon. It just means if I die and you are still alive I could come back to life.....and a few other things".

    "What do you mean a few other things?"

    "I don't know Damon I have to check my grimore". Damon sighed and scratch the back of his head. "We can not tell the others".

    "Why Bon-bon, ashamed of me?" She rolled her eyes and was about to reply when she heard a knock at the door once again. This time she looked through the peep-hole. Caroline! She can't see Damon here! She turned back to Damon and pointed upstairs. Damon got the hint and whooshed towards her room. She open the door with a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Caroline, umm what are you doing here".

"Omg Bonnie!!"

"What did I do this time," Bonnie said with a grin.

"Are you serious? So we just going to pretend Luka didn't come to your house?"

"Wait you saw him?" Bonnie urged. "When?"

"Three hours ago. I wanted to give you guys some privacy," Caroline teased. That was until she sniffed the air. Caroline frowned and cleared her throat. "Hey Bonnie, if Luka was here, how come I smell Damon's Azzaro cologne." Bonnie pulled Caroline inside and shut the door making sure to lock it.

"DAMON!" She called unnecessarily loud. "You can come out now!" Not a second later Damon was standing in front of them with a grin on his face.

"And here I thought you were ashamed of me," he joked. Caroline looked between the both of them and folded her arms.

"Care to explain," she demanded looking back and forth between both of them. Bonnie inhaled and told her everything practically in one breath. Caroline's eyes widened and genuinely looked sorry.

"Do you know how to reverse it?"

"I'm not sure. As far as I know, the only person who could reverse it is the one who cast the spell. We just woke up." Caroline nodded.

"I could ask Stefan," She offered. Bonnie opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by Damon.

"No no no, knowing my little brother he might want some kind of deal. And I know Bonnie is still a little salty over last nights situation." Bonnie gave Damon a silent thank you.

"Anyways I should probably start looking at my grimoire". Caroline nodded and scratch the back of her head.

"This basically means both of you guys life forces are connected together," she said hesitantly.

"Yes but Care, it doesn't.... I mean, it won't change us," Bonnie stammered.

"Just promise me you'll look up all the side affect of this spell in your grimore".

"Relax vampire-Barbie we got it under control," Damon interrupted. Bonnie looked st him and although his words seemed pretty confident he look worried as well. Caroline scoffed.

"I know Bonnie got it, but I'm afraid you are going to do something to screw it up like you always do". Damon rolled his eyes and sat on the couch near them.

"Isn't it time for you to be leaving? Me and Bonnie have some work to do". He retorted with his trademark smile. Bonnie heart warmed when she saw that smile and she almost laughed at his joke. Almost. Whoa. Since when did she felt that way about Damon. She strugged it off and gave Caroline a hug on the way out. Just as Caroline was about to leave she pause and turned to Bonnie.

"I have something to tell you....and your not going to like it." Bonnie looked at her with a confused look. "I'll tell you later". Bonnie nodded her head and closed the door. Now she was alone with none other than Damon Salvatore.

Just Great.

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