🎶Klaus And Lexi Got Me Feeling Sexy🎶

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Bonnie's POV:

Bonnie Bennett woke up to a sleeping Salvatore. Every since the news of her pregnancy was exposed, Damon hasn't left her side. Of course it's only been a few hours, but with Damon's track record of clinginess, Bonnie had no doubt that this might last for a couple hundred years. She didn't know how she felt about being pregnant. At first she felt surprised and a little scared, but who wouldn't. She was pregnant with a vampire child. What if it eats her inside out? How does that even work? She sighed and rubbed her forehead. She needed to talk to Caroline.

Bonnie tried to slowly make her way out of bed so she wouldn't wake Damon, but of course him being a vampire, she couldn't sneak around. Before she could fully make her way off the bed, Damon arms shot out and grabbed her wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" Bonnie groaned.

"Damon I'm just going to talk to Caroline, ok?" Damon sat up.

"I'll come with you." Bonnie rolled her eyes.

"I'll be fine. Caroline's a vampire remember?" Damon scoffed.

"A baby vampire. She won't be able to protect you from someone as dangerous as Klaus."

"And you will? He's older than you too." Damon's eyes grew darker and Bonnie instantly felt bad about what she said. All he wants to do is protect her and she's questioning his ability to do so. "I'm sorry. I just want you to know that I'll be fine. I don't need protection 24/7. I'm a Bennett, remember?" She gave him a soft smile and he relaxed.

"I know. You're constantly showing me how much you resemble Emily." She reaches out and started stroking his hair.

"Damon what if I'm not pregnant." Damon frown.

"What do you mean." Bonnie pursed her lips.

"I mean, it's too early to tell, and you're a vampire." Damon clenched his jaw.

"Bonnie, I know it too early to tell, but I can feel it...I can just feel you're pregnant with my child." Bonnie eyes soften when she realized how much Damon wanted this. "And if you were, would it be such a bad thing?"

"I guess not." She leaned in and placed a light kiss on his lips.

"Well isn't this cozy," A sarcastic female voiced near the door. They simultaneously turn towards the door. Damon growled and instinctively moved to in front of Bonnie. At the door stood the queen bitch herself, Katherine. Bonnie got ready to cast a spell but was interrupted by another female voice.

   "Bonnie stop we're here to help." Behind Katherine was a familiar looking blonde. Bonnie just couldn't put her finger on it.

   "Lexi?" Damon asked in disbelief. Lexi smiled.

   "Hello Damon." She greeted in a leading voice.

   "Bu-But I killed you," Damon stuttered. One of Lexi's eyebrow twitch.

   "Oh yeah, speaking of that." She whooshed towards Damon and snapped his neck in one small motion. Bonnie screamed and momentarily lost her judgment. She quickly got out of shock and muttered, " Motus!"  Lexi flew back into the wall behind them. Katherine chuckled, amused by what just happened.

   "Calm down witch, it was just a little revenge. Damon did kill her first." Bonnie scowled.

   "Not my problem." Katherine shrugged.

   "I wonder what's taking Caroline and Stefan so long. They've should have heard by now." While she said this she was picking at her nails indicating that she already knew what they were doing. Katherine walked inside the hotel room and faced towards the door. Before Bonnie could question her about it, she saw both Stefan and Caroline whooshed to the outside of the hotel room.

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