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Caroline's Pov:

After getting chase by two of Klaus's hybrid freaks, witnessing one of her closest friends bleed to death and having to pull her newly created vampire friend off of her old friend, Caroline was officially done with the day.

She peeled off pajama bottoms and large red shirt she had worn the whole day(since she got up) and everything underneath. The burning hot water felt great against her cold skin. Contrary to people's belief, vampires don't always have cold skin. It goes based on how they are feeling. At this particular moment Caroline felt low and weak, therefore her skin was cold.

She was angry at the world right now. Angry at Klaus for sending someone to kill her best friend, angry at Stefan for being to trusting of Katherine, angry at Matt being dumb enough to willingly transform into a vampire and being angry at Damon for only being focused on Bonnie. I guess the last part wasn't really bad, but he could have at least be concerned about Matt. But she was mad at Klaus the most.

She just wanted to melt into the steamy hot water that fell on her. This wasn't because of the events that happen. It was because despite her being mad at Klaus for being the cause of all the event and her being mad at him, she has yet to hate him. She couldn't feel hatred towards Klaus no matter how hard she tried.

She sighed and stepped out of the shower after 45 minutes of standing there and mindlessly wiping herself down. She quickly put on her underclothes and threw on a huge shirt of Stefan from his drawer. Where is Stefan?

He was probably helping Matt work on self control. At first Stefan was very angry at him, but then he realized that they could use this to their advantage. Caroline on the other hand wanted no part in Matt's decision. She thought what he did was very stupid and she made sure she told him about it. How can he not see how good he has it as a human?!?

Stefan And Caroline's Argument:

"Matt you dumbass! This has to be the stupidest thing you've ever done!"

"Caroline come on its better this way."

"Better this way?!? How?!?"

"I was weak before, Care!!"

"And you're still weak now! Everyone has a weakness!!. Witches, Werewolves, Vampires....EVERYONE!! You're not suppose to give into that weakness! You're suppose to keep fighting."

"But to what advantage? I'm not as fast or a strong as any on you guys. Look, I love you, I love Elena, and I love Bonnie. I just find it necessary for me to protect you guys..anyway that I can."

"But Matt, you didn't only sacrifice your human life, you sacrificed you're happiness. It's fun at first, but then....I don't know....the hassle of staying alive is exhausting."

"And I'm willing to make that sacrifice, over and over again until I know that all the people I love and care about is safe. And you have no right to be angry at my decision, Caroline."

".....You just don't get it just don't get how you lucky were." Tears began to fall out of her eyes as her voice began to get lower. "We could have had your mind erased and you live a happy life."

"And be ignorant of what's really going on in the world, Care?" She smiled a sad smile through her tears.

"Ignorance is bliss." She didn't give a chance for him to reply because she whooshed towards Stefan's bedroom and slam the door.

As she climbed back into bed she couldn't help wondering what Klaus was doing right now. He was probably plotting on how he would get Bonnie and the baby, but of course Caroline would never allow that. She also couldn't help but wonder...Is he thinking about me?

She didn't mean to sound self absorbed but it was understandable based on their history. She was upset at herself for even asking that question. What about Stefan? It's true that at the time Stefan asked her out she was feeling particularly lonely, but she couldn't just tell him that! Did...did she make a mistake? Stefan is her best friend! Maybe they did do this too hastily. Stefan and Elena just got out of a relationship and before that, she was planning on moving to Miami to be with Klaus.

This is all just so uuugggghhhhh. Caroline felt Stefan climbed beside her in bed and grabbed her waist. He gave her a little kiss on the back of her head and turned off the light.

"Maybe we did move too fast." She was stunned.

"How'd you know I was thinking that?"

"Because I know you Caroline, I know you feel overwhelmed by everything and I know when you feel overwhelm, you start question your relationship with everyone and everything." She sighed and turned to face him.

"It's not that I don't love you!-."

"I know that, and I still love you. But, just not right now, ok?" She smiled.

"Yeah," she replied softly. " it's cool if I stay here for tonight right?" He gave a deep chuckle and pull her closer to his chest.

"Yes, of course my care bear." He wrapped his arm around her and buried his face in the hair on the top of her head. And with that, her skins grew warmer.

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