When Did Her Feeling Become Confusing?

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Bonnie Pov:

Bonnie Bennett stood in front of Caroline Forbes with a look disbelief on her face.

"Care....you think you're in love with Klaus," she said slowly testing out the words. "Klaus the psychopath? The one who tried to kill us on numerous occasions? That's Klaus?" Caroline nodded her head slowly.

"Yeah.. Bon I'm sorry I just can't control these emotions anymore. I mean I want to hate him, but I can't. It's like his whole bad boy attitude turns me on even more. It's sick I know, Bonnie what should I do?"

"Fuck him," Bonnie suggested shrugging her shoulder. Caroline gasp and smiled.

"Whooaa, where did this Bonnie Bennett come from?" Bonnie smiled and put on a innocent face.

"I don't know what you mean," she giggled.

"Did something happened with a boy," Caroline teased putting one eyebrow up. Bonnie stiffened. There was no point in lying to Caroline and telling her her and Damon were dating because she already told her about the spell Luka put on them. However, Caroline wasn't really great with secret. Don't get her wrong, Bonnie loves Caroline. But when they were thirteen years old, Bonnie told Caroline she had a little crush on Matt. A little! She ended up telling not only Elena, but Matt too! Her and Elena ended up getting into this huge fight and she was basically rejected by Matt because of course he had a crush on Elena.

"Well actually Care," she started while playing with the end of her hair. "I'm kind of dating Damon." Caroline gasped and took a step back.

"So that's why you smell like him," she shouted. Bonnie nodded. "Bonnie you know how I feel about him."

"I know."

"And what about the spell. Is it wise for you guys to be dating with a life force spell."

"We're looking into it." Caroline sighed.

"Well it's kind of like marriage. Only instead of binding together with a peace of paper you guys are binding together with life forces," she joked trying to cheer up the mood. "And it's kind of hypocritical of me to say that when -."

She didn't get to finish what she was saying because she was thrown across the parking lot and into a pole.

"CAROLINE!" Bonnie shouted.

"Hello Bonnie," Bonnie turned to see a girl about her standing in front of her. She was wearing all black and her black hair reached her waist. She was the same color as Caroline but a little darker and she had the same sadistic smile as Klaus. Bonnie instantly knew she was a witch.

"Who the fuck are you?!" She demanded not showing any signs of fear, only irritation.

"Calm yourself, I don't mean any harm," the girl assured rolling her eyes.

"Don't mean any harm?!? You threw my friend across the fucking lot!"

"She was a vampire she couldn't be trusted."

"Oh and you can?"

"Watch it Bennett, I wasn't the one who befriended a blood sucker."

    "That's it, I'm sick of your presence. Motus." The girl went flying backwards and was slammed into the school's wall. A couple of bricks from the wall fell when she collide with it. The girl pulled herself slowly which told Bonnie she was in pain. This made Bonnie smirk. She didn't usually enjoy people in pain but something about this girl made her more angry than she should.

    "Because I'm not here to fight you, I'll let that slide," She grunted clutching the back of her head.

    "Then why are you here," Bonnie demanded. The girl smiled.

    "I wanted to test out the spell." Bonnie froze. She couldn't possibly mean the spell that included Damon. How did she even find about the spell. Unless....LUKA! Bonnie was so lost in thought that she didn't here the girl chanting.

    "Tenebris anima vestry contundito mortem et conte-." She didn't get to finish. Bonnie watched as she fell to the floor giving a chance for Damon to come into view. He face was vamped out and had black veins and black eyes plastered on it. He stood there holding the witch's heart in his bloody hand.

    "Bonnie," he whispered. He whooshed over to her and used his good and to stroke the side of her face. She shuddered and leaned into the touch. Damon's face return back to normal and she could see the worry in his eyes. The moment was interrupted by a groan from behind them.

    "Damon please, she hurt Caroline." He knew what she was asking. Even though Caroline was a vampire, she probably broke her neck going head first into the pole. He whooshed across the parking lot and not two second later whooshed back with Caroline in his arms. They quietly made their way to the car putting Caroline in the back seat. When they themselves got in the car it was clear they had no intentions of leaving for a while.

    "I felt you," Damon confessed. Bonnie looked at Damon and Damon looked at her. "I felt your disbelief, your anger and then your fear. I felt you realizing you were about to die when she was casting the spell. I felt you... ." Bonnie nodded understandingly. So that why the girl meant when she was testing out the spell. "And then...I felt how you felt when I came. And I felt how happy you were to see me, how relieved...... Bonnie I felt your love for me."

    Before Bonnie could try to deny Caroline started groaning. She rose from her slumber rubbing the back of her neck.

    "What the hell? Where am I?" She looked to the front of the car and saw Bonnie and groaned when she saw Damon. "The fuck is he doing here?"

    "Careful Barbie I saved your life," Damon boasted. "I'll be a fool to let anything happen to any of the people care about." But when he said this is he was looking a Bonnie.

    "Did Damon Salvatore just admit he cared about me?" Caroline chuckled. Damon gave her a look. She frowned.

    "Oh...you were talking about Bons." He nodded and wink at her.

    "Don't feel bad baby vampire I kinda care about you." She rolled her eyes. Damon looked back at Bonnie and whispered, "I'll talk to you later. She gulped.

    When Did Her Feelings Become Confusing?

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