All Evidence Point To Yes

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February 27, 1993:

Kelly Donovan stared at the small figure on the steps of her front door. There was a small child wrapped in a brown, wool blanket with blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. She scanned the front of her lawn to see if there was any trace of the person who left him here. Surely she would have at least seen a figure dashing from her house. But no, it was if he appeared from thin air.

She looked back at the baby and her eyes soften as she saw that he was smiling at her. He manage to unravel his arms from the blanket and reached towards her as if he was telling her to pick him up. She obeyed and carefully held the baby in her hands. A piece of old paper that seemed to be placed in between the blanket caught her eyes.

Julian Mikaelson
February 26

That's all it read. Julian. That name didn't really suit him. He seem like that can't be it.....Matthew? Mm, no. Matt? Perfect.

Matt it is. She assumed the reason why he was placed on her doorstep was for her to take care of him. It only seemed right. She couldn't possibly think of abandoning this child like his parents did. No. This child, who is now Matt Donovan, will be apart of her family.

"Mommy?" Kelly heard a small voice call out to her and she turned to see her two year daughter, Vicky Donovan, rubbing her eyes and holding her stuff bear.

"Sweetie what are doing awake?" Vicky ignored the question and pointed towards the baby in Kelly's hand.

"Who's that Mommy." Kelly bent down so Vicky could have a better view of the baby.

"It's your new baby brother, Matt." Vicky smiled at this idea.

"Did the storks bring him?" Kelly chuckled at her daughter and nodded.

"That's exactly what happened sweetie." Vicky smile slowly contorted into a frown.

"Do you think Daddy come back now that we have Matt." The humor left Kelly's eyes, but she manage to give her daughter a comforting smile.

"I'm sorry sweetie," she reluctantly told her. "That's not how it works." Vicky nodded understandingly and looked at the ground. "How bout ice cream, huh? To celebrate the new baby."

A wider smile formed on Vicky's face and she nodded her head quickly. Kelly smiled too, pushed her inside and locked the door.

March 21, 2003:

"Wow Donovan, you really suck at this," Tyler Lockwood shouted jokingly at his friend Matt Donovan for dropping the football he threw at him. Matt sucked his teeth and yelled back, "Whatever" as he reached for the ball on the wet grass. Bonnie happened to reach for it at the same time out of curtesy for her friend. Her hand fell on top of his and she shudder as the feeling of death overwhelmed her and there was a quick image of a handsome guy with the same blue eyes as Matt with a stern and concerned look on his face. She pulled back quickly and stared at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked her in a concern voice.

"N-Nothing," She stuttered. "You just feel... empty." Matt stared at her confused.

"Empty?" Bonnie nervously chuckled as she slowly back towards Elena and Caroline who were playing hopscotch.

"Never mind," She called and took once glanced as she jogged back towards her friends.

Matt shrugged and blamed it on womeningly problems his mother told him about.


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