Bonnie Is Done

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Bonnie eyes opened slowly and she sighed. It was all a dream. She was not really having a picnic with Grams and her father, she wasn't drama free from the supernatural, and most importantly she was not human. Lately these days she has been wishing she was human so she could be able to live a normal life. She knows she should be grateful she has magic, but lately it's been causing her stress. Creating and casting new spells has been leaving her body fully exhausted and her friends constantly asking her to use her powers for a new quest they created to "protect Elena". Protect Elena? For what? Who would ever lay a finger on the precious doppelgänger? The Salvatore brothers would die before they let that happened.

Bonnie sighed again and checked her phone on her dresser. 2 miss calls from Elena and a text from Caroline asking if she was ok. She had been avoiding Elena the day before because she knew talking to her would lead to her using her powers and her body just wasn't ready. Shit. She knew she had to call her back or else Elena would come banging on her door commanding to see her. She dialed her number and hit call.

"Hello?" Elena said groggily.
"Um..hi I'm sorry I missed your call I just wasn't feeling well"
"Omg that's ok I just called to see if you could help me with something". Of course. Bonnie pauses for a second thinking of a bunch a cons, but only one pro. The pro being Elena was a friend that needed help.
"Sure why not," she answered.
"Thanks Bonnie you're the best. Meet me at the grill?"
"Yeah, sure".

Dammit Bonnie why the hell would you say yes, she thought to her self. She rolled out of bed reluctantly and into the bathroom to get ready. Maybe I'll just take my sweet time and get them mad.
"That'll show them," She told herself sarcastically.

30 Minutes Later:
Bonnie was now in front of the grill getting mentally prepared for the next life threatening task Elena was going to ask for. As she stepped in the first person she saw was Matt and she gave a him genuine big smile.

"Hey Matt it feels like I haven't seen you in forever," she said while extending her arms out to him. Matt gladly leaned in to her arms and embraced her.
"That's because you haven't seen me in forever, you were too busy barricading yourself in your house. Hey, are you ok Bonnie?" He stared into her eyes with genuine concern on his face and Bonnie almost started breaking down in front of him. Almost.
"No Matt , I'm fine, really. I just was a little sick that's all."
"Are you sure Bonnie. I know you must feel lonely inside the house after you gr-"
"No really I'm find I gotta go. See you later," she said quickly and then quickly pecked his cheek. She spotted Elena, Caroline, Stefan and, god help her, Damon all in one big booth waiting for her. As she walked to them she could see Caroline was scowling at Damon over something he had said and her face quickly change when she saw Bonnie. She smiled, looked down at her outfit and frowned again.

"Bonnie what the hell are you wearing," she practically yelled. Bonnie looked down at her outfit. It was the last couple of days and of spring and just about to be summer so she was wearing a black tank top, and since she couldn't be bothered to do anything else she was wear black sweats. She rolled her eyes and sat next to her. Of course Elena was in between Stefan and Damon.

"I was too tired to put anything else on," she said in a monotone voice. She looked to the love triangle in front of her and asked, "What do you want," in a dull voice. Stefan cleared his throat and looked at Bonnie.

"Listen Bonnie I know that this year has been a little rough on you," he started which cause a involuntary scoff from her. That was a understatement. "But we need your help. We need you to get in contact with people you know who can help us kill Klaus and who also has a grudge on him." She sighed and shrugged .

"I mean I don't know that much people".

"Yes witch but you do know her." Damon said a little annoyed. Bonnie turned to him and titled her head.

"What wrong Damie, you didn't have your morning burbon?" She teased in a baby's voice.

"Yes , as a matter of a fact I haven't," he replied with a threatening look in his eye. "So let me speed up the process of you doing whatever the hell we ask you to. My little brother here wants you to call your now vampire turned mother and have her fight in our side of the war between peace and death."

Bonnie froze. She felt her breathing getting heavier and her heart beating faster. She was sure the vampires in her room could hear it. She looked at Elena.

" want me to call my mother?" Elena bit her lips and started playing with the tips of her hair.

"Bonnie we would never ask you to do something so personal if we didn't desperately need the help. No offense but you magic has been slacking off". Bonnie heard Caroline gasped and yell "ELENA".

"Don't spare her feelings Barbie, if she doesn't want us to criticize her magic maybe she should try better." Damon says sipping on a burbon he had just order.

At that very moment Bonnie felt attacked from everyone in the room. From Matt for almost mentioning the death of her previous grams, from Damon for being an inconsiderate ass, from Stefan for most likely coming up with this idea, for Caroline feeling the need to protect her feelings like she was a glass doll and from Elena for letting her boy toys suggest such a things to her.

"You want me to call my mother.... the woman whose life I ruined as soon as I stepped into it....the woman who ruin my life by walking out of my life not once BUT TWICE WHEN I NEEDED A FUCKING MOTHER. YOU WANT ME TO CALL THAT MOTHER. ALL SHE LEFT ME WAS A FUCKING NOTE TELLING ME HOW SORRY SHE WAS WHEN SHE COULDN'T EVEN SAY IT TO MY FACE.!!"

Streams of tears were running down her face and she couldn't stand to look at none of them. Everyone in the grill was staring at her and she suddenly felt sick. Matt came up to her and tried to pull her out of her booth telling her he'll drive her home. As he was holding her pulling her out Elena stood up.

"Bonnie wait please we need your help. For me please?" Bonnie head whipped back to Elena.

"Oh no I'm done helping you." She said in a low, dangerous tone. "I'm done risking my life for you while there is not even one scratch on you. And how dare you criticize my magic when I practically drain myself to meet your magical need. I can barely get up in the morning. Screw you and your Salvatore boyfriends because I'm through with you." She turned back and follow Matt to his car not bothering to looks back at them. The only time she did look back was when Caroline was running towards her calling her name. She then gave her a bear hug and started crying as well.

"I never knew you felt that way I am so sorry," she cried. " I'm a terrible friend".

"No, no Caroline it my fault, I should have been honest with you. And you too Matt," she said turning back to him. Matt nodded and carefully helped her into his van. On the silent way home Bonnie came to one decision.

Bonnie Bennett Is Done.

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