Julian "Angel" Mikaelson

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Bonnie's POV:

The room fell quiet when Klaus delivered his news. This means that whoever Julian is, he is the same age as Bonnie.

"Can-Can we do a locator spell?" Bonnie asked softly.

"I've tried that," Klaus sighed. "Before I arrived here." Bonnie nodded and thought harder. She didn't really know Lexi and she had a bad history with Klaus, but helping them find their child was the right thing to do.

"I know this is crazy," She started. "But Klaus, what if I created my own spell?" Klaus nodded, thinking over her suggestion.

"Yes, many witches have been creating their own spells for years," he confirmed. "If you truly believe in what you are casting, it might work." Damon snorted at the corniness of that sentence.

"Ok, umm hold hands?" Lexi glared at him at the corner of her eyes, silently warning him to stay back. "Come on Lexi. He doesn't bite. Well...he's not going to bite." She reluctantly held out her hands, which Klaus delightedly grabbed.

Before Grams died, she taught Bonnie Latin. Bonnie thought it was because she just wanted Bonnie to travel when she grew up, that was until she realized that most of her spells were in Latin.

She inhaled, closed her eyes and gathered all the courage she could muster. I'm a Bennett witch dammit. This should be a piece of cake. So why does she feel so powerless all of a sudden.

Damon could feel Bonnie becoming weak. Not physically, but mentally. She doesn't feel like she can do it. I love her, but she's a idiot if she thinks this is too hard for her.

He whooshed behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer to him.

"Baby, you are the most strongest, the powerful and the most sexiest witch I have ever met," he whispered in her ear. She smiled with her eyes still closed.

"What does being sexy have to do with it?" Damon shrugged.

"Just thought I should mention it," he stated. "Look, just imagine you're Lexi, and I'm Klaus. But you know, like a sexier version of him."

Klaus scoffed.

"You don't get more sexier than this," he boasted. Lexi rolled her eyes.

"Imagine Julian is our child. Would you do anything for him?"

"Of course," Bonnie confirmed without hesitation.

"Would you push past your boundaries for him?"

"Damon, I'm willing to die for him. Pushing past my boundaries is the minimum amount of thing I would do to him."

"Then do it. Push your limits."

She inhaled again, and the word start flowing naturally in her head.

"Sanguinem sistit per crassum et tenue propinquam sanguinis nexum procul aeternum. Utinam inveniat vos es vultus pro familia et maybe magis."

There was flash of red light that outlined both Lexi and Klaus. The red light traveled outside of the door and down the hall. Bonnie, Damon and Stefan got up and started following the trail. The light took them to the second floor and traveled towards a room. The trio looked at each other, because they all knew who room was.

Bonnie grabbed the doorknob and paused. This couldn't be true. If it was true, this would cause more questions to appear. She twisted the doorknob and pushed the door up. The old wooden door creaked as it open wide.

There they saw Matt, suspended in the air, with red light outlining his figure.

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