My Angel

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Lexi's POV:

Lexi Branson was an observer. She could walk in a place for two minutes and already know everything about the people's relationships. So of course she knew Caroline and Stefan were a thing. Her first hint was when she was walking down the hallway and she could smell Elena's and Matt scent coming from one room. Call her old fashion, but usually when a girl is dating a guy, she would try to avoid being in a room by herself with another guy. So her and Stefan must have been broken up. Plus, she could hear Stefan and Caroline in the room across from them. She heard moaning and suction. She snickered at the thought.

   "What are you laughing at?" Katherine inquired.

   "Nothing." Katherine snorted. Obviously she didn't believe her but she wasn't going to press on.

   "So are you going to spend time with your 'bestie'?" Lexi frowned.

   "Obviously he's got a new bestie. I was replaced." Katherine nodded understandably. "It seems like Caroline is replacing me with all the guys that I used to have in my life. Klaus, Stefan...even Damon. We used to argue all the time like they do....until he killed me." Katherine shrugged.


   "Welp?" Katherine shrugged again.

   "He's moved with his life. Surely you can too. I didn't bring you back alive for just him." Lexi thought about this a little.

   "So then why did you bring me back." Katherine smirked.

   "Can I just miss my best friend?" Lexi stood up all of a sudden looking very serious.

   "Katherine," she started. "Why did you bring me back to life." Katherine stood up making sure she was parallel to Lexi.

   "Listen, why all have our own motives for stopping Klaus. You and Bonnie want to protect your children, Damon wants to protect his new family, Stefan wants Caroline to stop loving Klaus-."

    "Wait.." Lexi interrupted. "Caroline doesn't still love Klaus....she's with Stefan." Katherine rolled her eyes.

    "It took over a hundred years for Damon to get over me. Feelings doesn't just go away." Lexi bit her lip nervously. Despite the fact that Stefan allowed her to be replaced, she still didn't want him to get hurt. She liked Elena, but playing him and his brother most likely did a number on him. "You shouldn't be focused on that right now. Have you found any leads." Lexi looked up but quickly diverted her eyes once she realized what she was talking about. "No?" She sighed.

   "I've asked every witch I've encountered," she revealed. "All with the same results." Katherine raised one eyebrow and a smile formed on her face.

   "My dear Lexi," she sarcastically said in a fake British voice. "We have a Bennett witch right next door as we speak." Lexi scoffed.

   "As if she'll help me." Katherine raised one finger to her chin thinking to herself. Then she raised that finger in the air as if a brilliant idea came into her mind. "Follow me." Puzzled by what Katherine just did, Lexi followed Katherine back towards Bonnie and Damon's room where they found a groaning Damon who was rubbing his neck.

   "I see you're awake," Lexi muttered, clearly not thrilled. Damon quickly looked up as soon as he heard her voice and hissed.

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