Chapter Forty Eight

Comenzar desde el principio

"I need a minute, get out."

"But are you sure he's-"

"Out!" Jungkook shouted. Hoseok flinched. "Geez, I'm on my way. Don't be so moody." Hoseok turned around and headed back into the elevator muttering something like, "Seventeen yer olds- he forgets his place."

As soon as the doors closed and he was gone, I looked at Jungkook. "What was that about?"I asked. He shook my hand away from his and turned over, laid down sideways, and pretended to go to sleep.

"No, don't you dare," I warned. "You're not going to let a badattitude ruin this morning. What wasthat about?" Still no word from Jungkook. I rolled my eyes and leaned over him, pulling him back to sit face up. "Jungkook?" I asked. His eyes remained closed. I rolled my eyes yet again and laide my chin on his chest. "Come on," I begged. "Talk to meeee."

No answer. Is he seriously going to be a dick right now? I thought. Fuckin- fine. An idea formed in my mind and I grinned. "Daddyyyyyy," That caused Jungkook to tense. My grin widened. "Pleaseeeee."

Jungkook was still being a resistant little ass, so I did the only thing I could think of that could possibly get him out of his little baby moment. I palmed his FDLARNG again. It worked. Jungkook's eyes flew wide open and he propped himselfuponhis elbows. "Wh-What are you doing?" He asked. I didn't stop.

"What are you doing?" Was my reply. "You're acting like a two year old."

"I don't want to tell Hoseokabout it all right now."

"Why not?"

"You think I wanted to repeat that same sentence twice?" He asked, his voice slightly raised. He looked at the blankets on the bed. "I don't want to even begin to explain how that lette made me feel. Giving you both the basic idea from it was bad enough."

"Well you don't have to ignore me and yell at Hoseok. That's not how you resolve issues. Gosh, Jungkook, you just turned seventeen yesterday."

Jungkook pouted and laid himself back down. "I'm sorry." He said. I shook my head. "I'm not the one to apologize to. You kind of yelled at Hoseok."

"Fine. I'll wait till later and apologize to him then."


"Please?" Jungkook asked. I sighed. "Don't push it off for too long." Jungkook nodded happily. "Also, canyou stop that?" He asked. "I'm going to get hard again." I realized that I was stil palming him and stopped, blushing. "Sorry."

"Naw you're fine." I sat up and stretched, then laid down again next to Jungkook. "What's your plan for today?" I asked. He shrugged. "Same as before."

"Cuddles?" I asked, hopefully. Jungkook grinned at my pleading face and kissed my nose. "Yes, we can cuddle." He said. I smiled happily and let him wrap his arms around me as I buried myself deep into his chest. He kissed a spot on my head and stroked my hair loosely while I savoured the warmth of him. Little did I know how much of this warmth I would need to get me through the next few weeks.

Later That Night

I woke up next to Jungkook after hearing another sound again. Hoseok?Jimin? I wondered. I rolled my eyes and closed them again, hoping to fall back asleep peacefully again.

Well, that was mistake number one. Mistake number two was not waking Jungkook up the second time I heard a sound. Mistake number three was not screaming when I was first woken up.

What happened in the span of that three second was a bunch of hands grabbed me and pulled me off the bed, away from Jungkook. The hands held my mouth shut and clamped down on my arms. I tried to scream into the hand covering my mouth, but when I did, I only received a hard slap to my head. "Shut up." A voice whispered.

The lights came on a few seconds later and I looked for Jungkook. He was sitting up in the chair at theside of his room, eyes closed. He wasn't awake. Why won't he wake up? He's not dead... I spotted a syringe sticking out of his neck and my eyes widened. The dark pink liquid that slowly drained into his system made my heart pound. I prayed that it wasn't poisonous and was only supposed to subdue him.

There were three men in the room. Two were holding me, and the other was making sure Jungkook wouldn't be able to wake up for a while. "Ey look at this." He grunted to the others, smirking. "He looks so weak." He said, smacking him. My eyes widened even more. I tried to fight that hands holding me, but failed.

"He's supposed to be the leader right?" The man asked. "Doesn't look like much to me. Just a stupid teenager." A sharp kick to his stomach. I screamed into the hand and received yet another slap. I kept trying to fight my captors, but to no avail. Where was I going to be taken? What was happening?

"Ey man, we have to go soon. Don't want others on our tail." One of the others said. The man who was over by Jungkook nodded. "Right, let's go." He said, but not before kicking Jungkook again and laughing sickly. I felt like I was going to puke. This couldn't be happening. I knew who these guys were. They were Tiger Gang thugs.

But Jungkook said he was going to protect me! I thought. And they would only get me over his dead body! I started to panic and struggle even more. I had to wake him up somehow. The trip to the elevator was very slow going. They were struggling with getting me in there while I was fighting my hardest to get out. I screamed into the hand once again, but this time, I received a punch to the stomach.

And then my world turned black.

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