"Beautiful" He says as he puts his phone back into his pocket.

"Now were going to get some chicken nuggets to celebrate and then I have a surprise for you, which is going to involve a long drive and fun weekend" he says and I squealed excitedly.

"Thank you Shawn! Oh my God I love you" I exclaimed as I yanked him down and kissed him again.

"I love you more" he says as he clasped his hand around mine.

I was sat in Shawn's front seat devouring chicken nuggets with content. Then my phone started ringing to see Rina's name pop up.

I answered to see her face and Tony's pop up on screen before she started screaming. "You did it! My girl did it! Oh yeah" she sang making Shawn and I both laugh.

"Thanks Rina" I smiled.

"We wanted to say well done Athena" Tony says and I thanked him.

"What are you doing now to celebrate?" She asks.

"Well I'm eating some chicken nuggets, then Shawn's taking me on surprise planned stay-away trip" I say and she awed.

"How romantic?" She beamed and I looked at Shawn who had a big smile on his face.

"Anyway I have some exciting news too" she says and I yelled 'what' excitedly.

"The baby is going to be coming soon! Only a few weeks left" she says and I awed as she showed her rapidly growing bump.

"I'm so excited! Shawn and I definitely going to fly out to see the little baby and you of course" I say.

"You both better get your asses here" she scolded and we laughed.

"I'm so tired of being pregnant it gets so tiring after a bit, but it's such a blessing to experience" she says proudly.

"You're going to be a great mother! And to be honest I can't wait to have kids too, seeing you all cute and pregnant makes me want to have a baby" I say and she laughed.

"Oh my God did you see that video of the baby sneezing on Instagram that I sent you?" She asks.

"Ohemgee it was so adorable I literally cried, she was so cute" I beamed and Shawn laughed.

"You both are so weird" he says and Rina laughed.

"But you have to admit she was cute?" I say to Shawn and he looked at me.

"I admit she was" he says and I smiled.

"Imagine you guys having kids! they would be some cute kids" she says and my cheeks blushed as I glanced over at Shawn who had a smile on his face.

It wasn't something we've spoken about but maybe one day.

I finished speaking to Rina and she was so hormonal that she was arguing with Tony because she wanted chicken nuggets but they were in bed. Shawn and I couldn't stop laughing at her but it was so funny.

"I need to grab my bag from my apartment and then we can head out" he says and I nodded as we got out of the car.

"I'm so happy today" I say and he smiled pulling me into him and kissing me.

"I can see and seeing you shook make me happy" he says and I smiled before I pulled him down and kissed him again. I pressed my lips roughly against his before pulling away.

"I love you big bear" I say and he grins.

"I love you more baby bear" he says as he twirled me around and then held my hand as we walked up to his apartment.

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