At All Costs (Ashton Imagine)

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A/N: I'm finally back to writing some 5sos stuff. Thanks for sticking around! Thanks for reading! (The warnings contain some spoilers but please read them if you're triggered by anything!)

Summary: Ashton has vowed to keep you safe at all costs, especially during your pregnancy. He realizes that he can't keep promises he can't control when something goes wrong with the pregnancy. (Slightly angsty but mostly sad)

Word Count: 2.6k+

Warnings: Swearing and death. Mentions of blood and miscarriage.

This cannot be happening.

You had been doing fine. The doctors said that you were fine after the accident.

But you're not okay. And Ashton can't help but blame them and everyone else in the world for what was happening. The scene kept playing over and over in his head and it felt like the world was closing in on him. You were his world. The baby was his world. If something were to happen to either of you, he would never be the same.


"Babe, come on. Let me do the dishes." You complained, tired of sitting on the couch all day and doing nothing.

"No. You need to rest. Doctor's orders." Ashton replied, pushing you back into the chair by your shoulders.

"They said I would be fine to do regular stuff three days ago. Please just let me do something!"

"You can sit there and keep me company while I do the dishes."

"Nope. I'm doing them. I'm sick of doing nothing. The accident was two weeks ago. The doctors said I really should try to do something after I was cleared so I'm moving around a bit. I've been sitting around for two weeks. Let me do something."

"Fine. But I'm standing right here in case something happens."

"I'm pretty sure nothing's gonna happen, but whatever helps you sleep at night."

The two of you sat in comfortable silence. You doing the dishes and Ashton watching from the kitchen table, admiring how beautiful you looked with the sunlight from the window outlining your body. It was only then did he see the slightly large blood patch coming from your lower regions.

"Umm . . . Y/N?" He asks skeptically, becoming worried about what was happening.

"Yes?" You replied, unaware of the growing patch of blood on your pants.

"You're bleeding . . ."

"Where? I don't see any blood."

"Your pants. There's a generous sized blood stain."

"Shit, um, I don't know. Let me go change." You say, wiping your hands on a towel and hurrying to your room to grab a change of pants and underwear. Once you had cleaned up you returned to the kitchen to find Ashton on his phone with a panicked look on his face.

"We need to go to the hospital." He states, getting up and grabbing his shoes.


"I think you might be miscarrying."

"I don't think so. There wasn't enough blood for me to be miscarrying. Let's wait a little longer."

"Y/N, seriously. I don't care if you're miscarrying or not. You shouldn't be bleeding like this during pregnancy. Something is wrong and we need to get it checked out."

5sos Preferences and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora