Opposites Attract

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A/N: Just thought this was a quick and cute preference to do. Thanks for reading!

Warning: None


"Are you really reading that book again?" Luke whined, putting an emphasis on the last word.

"Yes, in fact, I am." You reply, smirking at the blonde boy who clearly did not understand you love for the book. "It is my favorite book after all." 

You and Luke had a lot in common but the one major difference between the two of you was that you loved reading and Luke hated it. He just couldn't understand how you could love it so much when, in his opinion it was a huge waste of time. 

"How do we manage to stay together when you give that book more attention than me?" He asks you.

"I don't know. Why don't you go think about that while I read some more?" You suggest, wanting to finish another chapter. 

"Alright bookworm. I'll let you read." He laughed, sitting down next to you and pulling out his phone.

"Thank you." You say, smiling slightly and returning to your book. 


"We should get a dog." Calum stated, walking to the kitchen.

"We should get a cat. I don't like dogs." You respond, mixing some ingredients together in a bowl.

"Well I don't like cats."

"Well then we can't get a cat or dog."

This was the daily dispute you and Calum had. You both wanted a pet but could not agree on what kind to get. 

"We could get a fish." You say, searching for something you could both agree on. 

"Yeah. Or we could get a dog." He fired back, smiling at you. 

"How did we ever find ourselves in this relationship when we have very differing views on this very important subject?" 

"I guess opposites attract."


"Come on Michael, get up!" You sigh, tugging lightly on the bed sheet that he was holding onto so tightly. 

"Nooo." Michael groaned, not wanting to leave the warmness of the bed. 

"Michael, it's noon. You need to get up and do something."

"Y/N, I am not a morning person. Now let me sleep so that I can be happier later when I wake up."

"Fine sleepyhead. I'll let you sleep." You say, giving up on trying to get Michael out of his heaven. 

It was interesting how the two of you managed to make your schedules work. You were a morning person and Michael was a night owl. Oftentimes you would try to get Michael to wake up earlier and he would try to get you to stay up later, but it never worked out. Despite your differing sleep schedules, you two made it work. As it is often said, opposites attract.


"Oh come on Y/N. It will be fun!" Ashton pleaded with you. He was trying to convince you to come to a party with him and you were not agreeing with him. Being the extrovert he was, he was totally up to going out. Being the introvert you were, you totally were not. 

"Ashton, you know me. I wouldn't last an hour at that party." You said, trying to convince him that you would be much rather stay home. 

"I do know you. You always stay home. You need to get out every once and a while. "

"No. I am not an extrovert like you Ashton. I would be dead tired after an hour of standing around all of those people." You whine, not feeling like going to a party with all of those people. 

"Goodness Y/N. How are we friends if our ideas of fun are so different?" Ashton joked, laughing at how different your personalities were. 

"That is a really good question." You say, an idea coming to mind. "How about we stay home and figure it out?"

"Why wont you just come to this party!" Ashton groaned, laughing lightly at how stubborn you were.

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