Couldn't Ask For Anything Better (Michael Imagine)

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A/N: This is the last installment of the engagement series!! What better way to end my Mystal inspired series than with Michael? Thanks for reading my lovely people! Please leave some feedback! I would love to hear what you guys think of this. (And the whole series in general.) If you liked it I would love to do more series like this in the future. Maybe a wedding series? 

Warning: Swearing

Summary: Michael asks you to marry him after a show

"20 'till the top of the show!" You yell into the boys dressing room, poking your head in to make sure they were almost ready. "You're supposed to say 'thank you twenty' you know." 

"Your theater side is coming out again." Calum comments from across the room, laughing slightly when you rolled your eyes at his teasing.

"Well I'm sorry my stage etiquette  is coming out when you're about to go on stage." You relply sassily, flipping your hair as you leave the doorframe. "I'll be back in ten minutes so you better be ready."

"You really gonna ask her tonight?" Luke asks Michael, referring to Michael's plan to propose to you tonight. 

"I am. I know we've only been dating for two years but I just know she has to be the one." 

"Does she feel the same way?"

"Of course she does!" Michael says defensively, not wanting his love for you to be up to question.

There was silence in the room as they all got up and started gathering their things for the show. 

"When do you plan on doing it, mate?" Ashton questions, shuffling through his bag to find his drumsticks. 

"After the show probably."

"Boys," one of the crew members came into the room, looking slightly stressed. "we're on a 25 minute hold right now. One of the lighting guys got sick and we're trying to find Y/N so she can do it. Let her know we need her if you see her." 

"We will, thanks." Ashton replies, putting his drumsticks on the arm of the dressing room couch and sitting down. 

Michael pulled out his phone to text you

M: They need you for lighting babe

Y/N:I know. I walking over right now. Love you!

M: Love you to babe. Make sure you put the spotlight on me for the whole show

Y/N: I was thinking on just doing Calum tonight but I guess I could make an exception for a minute or two

M: You're the best! 😘

Y/N: I know. See you after the show

M: See you then

Soon enough the show started and Michael couldn't stop thinking about what his plan. Sure, he knew you would say yes, but it didn't keep his nerves at bay. The small box in his pocket was a constant reminder that he would have to do it sooner or later, and in his opinion, the sooner the better. It seemed as though every aspect of the show related back to you. During If Walls Could Talk, your favorite song, he couldn't stop thinking about how you jumped around to it every time you heard it. During Moving Along, he thought about when you were just friends and how you would always come to him when you got dumped. Nothing failed to remind him of you and the undying love he felt every time he looked at you. 

"Alright guys, I think its about time we told you something special." Luke announces to the crowd. Just as he said that, Michael's head snapped to look at him, worried his surprise would be ruined. "You guys know Y/N right?" The crowd screamed in response, of course excited to hear about you. Despite your original fears of being hated, you were mostly accepted throughout the fandom. "Well, tonight's a pretty special night for her."

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