You're a Dancer

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A/N: I got kinda carried away with these so sorry bout that. (I'm trying to ignore the fact that I failed a math quiz I thought I did well on and this seems to be helping ) Also, most of them kinda stray away from the whole dance idea (just a bit) but they're all centered around it. Well, enjoy reading and thanks for being awesome! I would really appreciate some feedback. Also, is anybody else a dancer? Thanks lovely peoples!

Warning: Swearing


"The following people have been dismissed: Kasey Noblant, Corey Black, Anabelle Melia, James Smith, Katherine Rangel, and Andrew Curry. Thank you for your time." 

You had made it past the first step of the audition process. You were almost positive the multiple mistakes you had made during the ballet audition would have your name crossed off the list. Apparently it didn't. You knew you were close to being crossed off though. You would have to work your butt off if you wanted this summer intensive scholarship. 

"Ladies, please put on your tap shoes. The next portion will consist of a short warmup led by Mr. Luke Hemmings along with a combination." 

"I'm going to get cut next. I suck at tap." The girl next to you said as you were putting on your shoes. 

"I'm surprised I didn't get cut from the last part. I'm not that great at ballet, but I'm pretty good at tap. I don't want to sound like I'm bragging though." You reply.

"It's all good. I'm the exact opposite; great at ballet, terrible at tap. The only reason I considered the audition after I learned there was tap in it was that Mr. Hemmings was teaching the class. I'm Reagan by the way." 

"Y/N. What's so great about Mr. Hemmings?"

"First of all, he's super hot. Second, he's an awesome teacher. If anybody can teach a tap class, it's him."

"Alright then. Good luck to you. I'm sure you're not as terrible as you say you are."

"Thanks. Good luck to you too."

"Ladies," Mr. Hemmings announces as he walks onto the floor. "Our warmup will consist of 16 shuffles front, side, back, both feet. Then we will do falaps in the same pattern, followed by some steps across the floor. 16 shuffles. A five, six, seven, eight. 

The competition seemed to die down once you started to go across the floor. It quickly became apparent that tap was not the strong suit of many of the dancers. Flutters were what seemed to get people. The syncopated pull back was not the easiest move, but you had mastered the step at a younger age, allowing you to get ahead of the game. 

Not long later it was time for the combination. Learning a new combination was never an easy feat, but you had been able to learn how to pick them up with ease compared to most of the girls. Once you were sure you knew it, you made your way to the center of the front line and prepared to show off your skills. 

It was the middle of the combo when an overconfident dancer decided to get all up in your space and run into you, messing you up. You tried your best to fake it, because once you mess up one step it ruins the rest of the combo. 

After another cut the audition consisted of you and six others girls. The competition was heavy. You could all do ballet, tap, and jazz. The girl who had ran into you was cut after the tap section, while you thankfully managed to not get cut.

"Thank you ladies for your time. We will be in contact with you regarding our decisions of scholarships within the next five days." 

After you had thanked the instructors and gotten your things together, you went back to talk to them to search for areas of improvement. Most of them seemed impressed with your ability and ethic. Especially Luke.

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