You're A Lot Shorter Than Him

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A/N: I always thought this was a cute idea. This one is for all my fellow shorties. :)

Warning: None


The cereal was just out of reach; again. The top shelf of your cabinets were a little to high for your short legs and of course, Luke never thought of that and kept putting things up there. You were constantly reminding him to not put important things, like the cereal, up so high but he never seemed to remember to do so. 

Sighing as you realized what you had to do, you hoisted yourself onto the counter. As you reached to get the Cheerios you heard Luke walk into the kitchen. Right before your hand reached the box Luke grabbed it and gave it to you. 

"Hey there shorty." He says, smirking at how much you struggled for a box of cereal. 

"Hey there tall guy." You shoot back. "You're not supposed to put that up there." 

"I know."

"Do I need to write a reminder and tape it to the box so you remember?"

"No. I remember, I just do it on purpose to tease you." 


"Slow down!" You pant, trying to catch up to Calum, who was walking to fast for your short legs.

"I can't go much slower than this Y/N." Your boyfriend says, trying to somehow slow his walk even more. 

"Well my legs are a lot shorter than yours. I can't keep up with your long strides for very long."

Calum would always walk too fast for you to keep up with and could never slow down enough. Your short legs could only go so fast for so long. Calum could go a lot more. 

"Y/N, if I have to walk this slow until we get to the flat I'll just speed up and leave you to eat my dust." He complains, already speeding up his pace to a slight jog.

"You will not!" You shout from behind him.

"Watch me." He threatens, starting to run even faster.


"Why do all the important foods have to be on the top shelf?" You mumble to yourself as you reach for a box of brownie mix. 

You were shopping for a party your friend was having. You wanted to make some brownies to bring but it was looking like you wouldn't be able to do that since you couldn't reach the box of mix.

"Let me get that for you." A voice behind you says. You turn around to meet a blonde haired boy holding a pack of paper plates and your brownie mix. 

"Thanks." You say.

"No problem. It looked like you needed some help." He says, laughing slightly at how determined you had looked.

"I needed them for a party I'm going to tonight." 

"Cool. Are you going to Y/F/N's party too?" 


"Well I'll see you there."


"Even if I open my eyes, I won't be able to see what you're hiding. You're too tall." You say, being dragged behind your tall best friend. 

"You're just too short." Ashton shoots back, tugging your arm to go faster. 

Ashton had some kind of birthday surprise planned for you and had demanded that you keep your eyes closed so it wouldn't be ruined. 

"I'm 5'4. That's average height," 

"Whatever you say shorty. Alright, open your eyes." 

When your eyes adjusted to the light, you were met with the sight of a mini golf course. 

"This is sweet Ash. Thank you." You say with a smile, hugging the tall boy you called your best friend.

"Do you like it?" He asks.

"I love it."

"Good. I thought we should do mini golf because you're so short." 


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