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A/N: I started this as a New Year's treat but it's halfway through January so I mean . . . Anyways, enjoy this and I hope 2019 brings you all a clear face! Thanks for reading!

Warning: Swearing


"Let me in this bathroom so I can pee!" You beg Luke, knocking on the bathroom door in desperation. 

"Give me like five more minutes Y/N!" Luke says, trying to put on some foundation to cover up his acne without you knowing. 

"In five minutes, I will have peed on the floor and there will be no use for me to go into the bathroom!" You exclaim, crossing your legs as you felt the urge get stronger. When no response came, you decided to get the key and get in yourself. Once you had unlocked the door you slammed the door open, almost knocking into Luke in the process, and sat down on the toilet. 

"Gross Y/N." Luke commented, shuffling something around in his hands.

"Like you don't pee and we haven't been dating for three years." You reply snarkly. "Hey, what are you doing with my foundation?" 

"Uh, nothing . . ." He says, putting it back in your makeup bag and turning around to walk out of the bathroom. 

"Are you trying to cover up your ance babe?" You pry.

"Yea, but it's only because we have a photoshoot today and every time I go in to get my hair done, the lady comments on how gross my acne is and then forces me to have foundation out on. I just thought that if I did it beforehand, she wouldn't say anything."

"Luke, I get that that makes you feel bad, but I wouldn't suggest using my foundation. My skin is a lot lighter than yours. You look like a ghost right now." 

"Oh, sorry. Do you think you could get some for me though?"

"Of course. I'll put it on for you too because you didn't do the best job." You say, noticing that some areas were more covered than others. 

"Thank you Y/N." Luke sighs, coming from behind you and giving you a hug.


There was just so much acne, and not enough makeup. You had to go to an awards show with Calum and of course, your face decided to break out like you were 15 again. You only had twenty more minutes to get ready and nothing you were trying was hiding the bumps on your face.

"Babe, can I come in?" Calum asked from outside the bathroom door.

"Yeah." You reply, not removing your eyes from the mirror as you desperately tried to apply more foundation.  

"What are you doing?" He asked again, noticing the small half-empty bottle of foundation on the counter.

"My face looks like an ant colony right now and I do not need pictures all over the media about it." 

"Babe, it looks fine."

"This is with four layers of foundation on my face." 

"Alright," He says, talking the bottle and placing it on a high shelf in your cabinet, "It looks fine. Nobody will notice and even if they do, I won't let them harass you about it."

"But I care, and I don't want to look like I'm a 15 year old who doesn't wash their face." You exclaim, starting to feel more frustrated that Calum didn't seem to understand the situation you were in. 

"Y/N," He says, cupping your cheeks and pulling your face closer to his. "Nobody will notice. We all have acne, even as adults. I know you're on your period right now and that's what's causing it. Don't worry about what everyone else and the media thinks. I love you, acne and all. That's what really matters."

"Ok," You sigh, pulling Calum in for a quick kiss. "We have to get going now or we're going to be late."


"Hey Y/N?" 


"Do you know any overnight acne cures I could use?"

The question caught you off guard for a moment, as Michael was never one to really care about his appearance.

"No, I mean have you looked at my face lately? Why do you ask?"

"Well, I wanted to ask out Jenny tomorrow but I feel like she's going to be repulsed by all the acne." He replies, looking at the ground to avoid meeting your eyes. 

"If I could help you out with this, I totally would." You say sympathetically. "But if Jenny doesn't say yes because she thinks your acne is ugly, she doesn't deserve you." 

"I know, but still." He says, glancing up to see you scooting closer to him. 

Wrapping your arms around your best friend, you took a moment to sit in silence. 

"I know your acne makes you insecure sometimes. I feel the exact same way. But I promise that it's normal and everyone experiences it. If Jenny doesn't want you because you have acne, she can fuck off." You tell him, putting your head on his shoulder and squeezing him tighter. 

"Thanks Y/N." Michael laughs. "You always know how to make my day better." 

"That's why I'm your main hoe." You smile as you tickle his sides a bit.

"Damn right."


"Hey pretty girl." Ashton says as he sits down next to you.

"Hey." You reply half-heartedly, picking at the food on your lunch tray. 

"What's got you down in the dumps?" He asks, turning his chair to get a better look at you.


"Y/N, I can't make you feel any better if you hide your problems from me." 

"It's nothing. I'm fine." You insist, avoiding eye contact. You didn't want to tell Ashton about the teasing you had been experiencing for the past few days because you knew he would confront everyone about it but you also felt the need to rant. 

"Babe, I know your resting face is sad but I know you pretty well. Something's wrong and I'm not going to stop bothering you until you tell me what it is."

"Fine." You sigh. "For the past few days Veronica and her group of friends have been pointing out my acne and telling me that they have no idea how you could like me when I have this ugly of a face."

"I'm gonna kill her." Ashton mumbles as he pulls  you in for a hug. "I'm sorry they've been saying that too you."

"It's fine. And don't apologize for it. It's not your fault. Please don't say anything to them about it." You say, burying your face into the crook of his neck.

"Ok. But please tell me if she says anything else. I don't like when she says that because I know it makes you insecure." He mumbles into your hair, rubbing your back.

"Thank you for being the best boyfriend ever."

"I have to be the best guy I can for the best girl in the world." 

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