He Worries About You

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A/N: Here is the second one.  I hope you like it and thanks for reading!

Warning: 1 baby swear


"I need space!" You say as you open the door. Slam.

The flashbacks of your fight with Luke kept playing through your head as you walked through the streets of town. He had forgotten to pick you up from a meeting and you had to wait for a half hour before he came to get you. When you got home, you were in a bad mood and Luke kept getting on your nerves. You eventually lost it, causing a fight between the two of you.

It was a chilly night in September and you only had on a light sweatshirt over your short sleeve shirt. Running your hands up your arms to try to create some warmth, you start to realize how stupid your fight had been. You wanted to call Luke and tell him you were coming home, but you had forgotten to take your phone with you when you had stormed out of the apartment.

Checking your watch, you saw that it was 12:45. You had been wandering around for a hour now. Luke was probably really worried. There was a rule between the two of you that if one of you were to storm out after a fight, they had thirty minutes to cool off without having to contact the other person. After that they had to either come home or answer calls from the other person. Since you had left your phone at home you decided to head back home.

Your feet pounded on the sidewalk as you rushed to get back home to your husband. The streetlights were dim, and it was hard to see the sidewalk in front of you. Finally reaching the door to your apartment, you turn the door handle slowly. As you walk through the door, you hear Luke pacing around and muttering under his breath.

"Where the hell could she be? This is all my fault. What if something happened to her?!" The panic in his voice was clear as he started to get louder and his pacing got faster.

"Luke?" You called out timidly.

"Y/N?" Luke called back, walking towards the sound of your voice. "Oh, thank goodness you're okay. I was so worried." He exclaimed in one breath, pulling you into his chest.

"I'm sorry." You apologize. "About the fight and not coming home sooner. I was overreacting and then I lost track of time."

"It's okay Y/N. It was my fault too. I should have remembered to pick you up." He says. "Jeeze, you're cold." He grabs a blanket and pats the spot on the couch next to him.

You spent a little while after that talking things out before going to bed. 


"You sure you're going to be alright? Six months is a long time babe." Calum says, his brown eyes staring into yours. The two of you were lying in your shared bad, preparing yourselves for Calum's departure due to the upcoming tour.

"I guess so." You say reluctantly. "It's not like we have a choice."  

"I'm really going to miss you." He sighs, hugging you tighter to his chest.

"I'm going to miss you too babe."

"What if something happens to you while I'm gone and I can't come back to help you?" Calum questions. "What if you get hurt, or someone threatens you and I'm no there to protect you?"

"I think I'll be able to handle it." You chuckle. "We've been in that situation before. Remember?"

"Yea. You sprained your ankle and wouldn't let me come back to take care of you. I don't know how you convinced me that you would be okay, but you did."

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