Song Preference // Ghost Of You (His P.O.V)

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A/N: In honor of the release of Youngblood I decided to write this preference. I hope you like it!

Warning: None


Here I am waking up, still can't sleep on your side

There's your coffee cup, lipstick stain fades with time


I was lying in bed, the morning sun shinning through the bedroom window. I hadn't felt a need to move until this moment, leaving me in the same spot for the past hour that I had been awake. I rolled over to face the empty  spot next to me. Y/N's side. I could still imagine her, eyes closed, a sheet over her body, peacefully asleep next to me. Even though it had been weeks sine the breakup, I still hadn't been able to fully use the bed. It felt as if I was invading her space. The scent of her perfume was still in her pillow. Slight, but there. The scent that used to bring me comfort not longer brought that, but rather all of the memories I was trying to forget.  Y/N had left so many things behind when she left and I couldn't get myself to move them. Despite the pain they threatened to bring, I felt at ease knowing they were there. As I looked at the clock to check the time, I saw Y/N's coffee cup undisturbed on the night stand. If I looked closely I could still see the lipstick stain that had began to fade. I could still remember her stealing my mug and claiming it as her own. She used it so often that the lipstick she wore would stain it. One more memory that could trigger so many more. 


Cleaning up today, found that old Zepplin shirt 

You wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt


I picked up a shirt, curious as to why I had left it on the couch rather that putting it in the dirty laundry. Once I saw the print on the front of the shirt I knew exactly why. It was the shirt that Y/N had worn during the fight that ended our relationship. 

"You don't get it, do you?"  She demanded, the frustration clear in her voice. 

"Apparently not."  I answered. "I keep trying to understand, but you won't tell me what is really wrong. Why can't you just tell me?" 

"I've been trying to tell you for so long but you never care enough to fully listen to me!"

The fight only escalated from there, ending with Y/N tearing off the shirt and packing her things to leave for good. Now that she was gone, I understood. Despite my efforts to contact her she wanted nothing to do with me. Maybe after all this time she was able to find someone who could understand her. It was too late to start again and Y/N made that very clear. 


So I drown it out like I always do

Dancing through our house with the ghost of you


The music blared from the speakers of my car as I drove through the city. I was finally going back to work after the breakup. After Y/N decided to leave I felt numb. I wasn't able to get myself to get up and go to work. Music was my way of drowning out the rest of the world, and that included the breakup. My flat had felt lonely and empty. Every time I would walk around the rooms I would feel heartbroken. The emptiness that I can feel in my flat and heart is impossible to explain. Every room brought back the happy memories that Y/N and I shared. The ones that only caused me pain. I was ready to escape the sadness that engulfed my home and get back to work. Writing songs would help me let out everything, and maybe deal with my broken heart. I could block everything out and just let my heart take over. All I could do now was hope that I would be able to get over the girl who broke me. 


And I chase it down with a shot of truth

That my feet don't dance like they did with you


I took another shot, placing the empty glass on the counter. I didn't want to face the reality of my mistakes, but it was impossible to escape. All of the secrets I had kept were another mistake to add to the list and made me wonder; how truthful was our relationship? I didn't know much about Y/N's side of the story but I knew one thing. Our romance was over. The many secrets we had kept from each other led to too many lies and a broken relationship that couldn't be fixed. Y/N was the one who decided to end out relationship, and I was devastated. All day I walked around the house feeling empty, and now I needed to feel free. No more secretes and no more lies. Eventually I tried to come clean, I tried to fix it, but I couldn't. Y/N was too overcome by all of the things she was hiding to continue. 

"Ashton, I love you so much, but there are too many secrets."  She said. "Our relationship isn't healthy and it needs to end."

"Y/N, please. We can fix this. We just need a fresh start." I pleaded with her, desperation in my voice. We couldn't just end it now.

"No. There are too many secrets. I don't want to be with you if I have to hide all of the things I'm hiding."

With that she left and I haven't seen her since. I didn't walk around our house like I used to. I wasn't able to without feeling the pain that she left me in.

 Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a girl that looked just like Y/N, and I turned around in my chair to get a better look at her. When I looked closely, I saw that it was her. Getting out of my chair and approaching her, I tried to think of something to say.

"Hey Y/n." I said to her, hoping that maybe she would want to talk.

"What do you want?" She asked, clearly not pleased to see me.

"I just wanted to know what happened to us." 

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