Something More (Calum Imagine)

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A/N: I didn't have school yesterday because of Hurricane Florence and now I'm super bored so yea . . .

Warning: Non

"I'm always gonna want you back, want you back"

The music blared throughout the arena, fans sang along to the song, and you were having the time of your life. You were at a 5sos concert to surprise your best friend, Calum. You hadn't seen him in months and you really needed some time to catch up with him. The truth is, you've had a massive crush on him for the longest time, but you weren't sure he liked you back. That was half the reason you came, to see if he felt the same way. 

As soon as he concert was over you made your way backstage to meet up with Calum. Jus as you turned a corner you bumped into a tall man. 

"I'm so sorry. . . Y/N?" The man asks. When you look up you see that it's  Calum.

"That's my name." You say, smiling as you reach for a hug.

"I've been missing you so much! How are you?" He asks, pulling you close and squeezing you tightly. 

"I've been pretty good. How about you?" 

"I've been aright. Still working through the breakup but . . ."

Yeah. The breakup. Calum's girlfriend of three years dumped him because she thought he would be better off without her. In reality, she had been cheating on him and got  a new boyfriend the next day. He had called you a few times to talk about it. You felt terrible for him but at the same time you were relieved. You could have a chance with him now!


"Hey Calum, I need to tell you something." You say nervously. It was time to tell him about your feelings towards him. It was eating you alive and if you didn't say something you would lose your nerve. 

"Spill." He says casually, no noticing the shakiness in your voice. 

"I really like you. I know you just got through a breakup and you probably don't feel the same way but I wanted to tell you because it has been nagging me for the longest time and I needed to tell you."

"Oh," He says, a look of surprise and confusion on his face. "Y/N, you're a great girl but I don't feel the same way. I'm sorry, it's just that I'm still trying to get over Victoria and as much as I like you, I don't like you that way. I hope it won't ruin our friendship." 

"Of course not," You say, faking a smile through the rejection. "I understand."

"Thanks. You are the best friend ever." 

"Thanks." You say, trying not to cry through the sudden pain you felt. 

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