Too Good To Be True (Ashton Imagine)

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A/N: I'm starting a proposal "series" because I was inspired by the Mystal engagement. (Which I was crying at those pictures they are so cute!) I'm just going to do one for all the boys cause why not. Anyways, thanks for reading and please vote and comment!

Warning: 1 bad word and just a lot of fluff ok

You probably should have known something was up when Ashton asked you to come to the tree, but you didn't.  You just assumed he had some cute date planned. You were finally on winter break and you guys needed to get a few dates in before the holiday was over. 

"Do I need to wear something nice?" You ask Ashton over the phone, looking through your closet for something to fit the occasion.

"No. You can if you want to but I mean shorts and a t-shirt work totally fine. We're not going anywhere super fancy." He says, messing around with the velvet box in his pocket. Every time he touched it he felt the excitement and nervousness inside himself rise. Everything had been planned to the last detail. It was the four year anniversary of your first kiss and Ashton planned to propose under the very same tree of which that kiss was shared. 

"Alright then. T-shirt and shorts it is." You chuckle, pulling out a pair of black Nike shorts and a punny cat shirt. "Does my punny cat shirt sound ok to you?"

"Perfect. Alright, I have to go. See you in two hours."

"See you then. Love you!"

"Love you too babe." Ashton says as he hangs up. He grabbed his keys and guitar, felt his pocket to make sure he had the ring, and walked out the door to his car. "It's now or never." He whispers to himself as he opens his front door and got ready to propose to the girl of his dreams. 

"What's all of this?" You ask as you walk up to your meeting spot, seeing Ashton with a blanket spread out, a small basket, and a guitar.

"Thought I'd do a DIY date instead of going out." He replied, giving you a quick kiss as you sat down.

"Well it looks really nice. I couldn't have done better myself." You say. 

"Thank you my dear." He says in a snooty voice, making you giggle.

After you had finished the sandwiches Ashton had made, you laid down on the blanket to look at the stars. 

"Have you ever wished upon a star and had your wish come true?" Ashton asked, glancing over at you to see you looking up towards the sky, deep in thought. 

'I mean, not really. Stars are millions of light years away, making it very probable that by the time you make a wish the star is dead. " You say with a smile, trying to get a laugh out of the boy laying next to you. "But in all seriousness, yeah. I wished that I would find the perfect boy someday, and I'm sure I have. What about you?"

"I wished that one day we would get married and start a family." He replied simply, admiring the way your hair was sprawled out on the blanket around your face and how sparkly your eyes looked when you were deep in thought.

"That's sweet." You say, snuggling deeper into his side.

"Speaking of which," Ashton starts as he shuffles around so that he's sitting up, pulling you up with him. "I've been thinking recently. I know you're the right girl for me. Every day since we met, I've admired the way your eyes twinkle when you get excited and how you can't stop giggling when you get sleepy. The way you have to butter one side of your bagel first, your intense love for cats, and your deep hatred for parties with more than ten people. Every time I see you, I manage to fall more and more in love. I know we're only 21, but I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and if you say yes, it'll start right now." He pulls a velvet box out of his pocket, gets on one knee, and flips the lid open, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. "Y/N, the love of my life, will you marry me?"

"Oh my gosh." You breath, staring at Ashton with your hands covering your mouth. "Oh course!" You scream, pulling him into the tightest hug you had ever given, pushing him to the ground with you on top of him.

"I love you." He states simply, puling your head towards his and giving you a kiss.

"I love you too." You say once you pull away, a few happy tears streaming down your face, your smile as wide as it had even been. "It's almost too good to be true."

"Did you know that today is the four year anniversary of our first kiss?" Ashton asked, still holding you against his chest.

"No! How did you remember that?" You reply, looking at your now-fiancé in shock.

"I wrote it down when I got home that night because that was when I knew you were the one. I've kinda been planning this for a few years."

"Holy shit." You laugh. "You must be the most romantic guy I know."

"Well, it's about to get better 'cause I brought my guitar and I'm going to play some songs for you that I wrote recently."

"This day just keeps getting better and better."

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