Caught In a Cute Couple Moment

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A/N: I wrote this at 1:30 in the morning so it's not the greatest. By the way, I just got a tumblr!  (Which you should check out! My username is bodacious-5sos) Thanks as always for reading! 

Warning: Mentions of vomiting


"Come on. It's not even that cold outside." Luke pestered, dragging you to his backyard. "Besides, I have a blanket we can share. Not to mention, I'm always open to snuggles."

"Fine." You huff, allowing your boyfriend to take you out into the chilly night. You were visiting his parents, and for some reason Luke seemed hung up on having the two of you lay in the hammock. You finally had some down time from the busy day of visiting relatives and he saw it as the perfect time to pull you into his old backyard and lay in the white cloth hammock. 

"See, it's not that bad." He states once you were fully in with a blanket covering you.

"Yeah, okay." You laugh lightly, resting your head on his chest and cuddling him. Soon you had both fallen asleep 

"Luke, Y/N. Where are you?" Liz calls from the house, having just realized that she hadn't seen the two of you in a few hours. When no answer came, she set off into the yard that was hidden by part of the house. That's when she found you, curled up in the old hammock the her sons had played in as young boys. Quickly running inside to grab her phone, she snapped a picture so she could show it to you in the morning. 


"How about this one?" Calum asks, holding up a mirror so you could see what he had done to your hair.

"Gorgeous." You joke, pretending to admire the braid he had attempted to do. 

"Thank you. I think I should go professional."


"At least it's better than last time's." Calum remarks, referring to when you had puked earlier that morning. 

"To be fair, I was trying to puke my guts out without getting them on you. It has to be hard to braid hair and deal with my vomit and complaints at the same time." You offer.

"True. By the time this morning sickness stops, I'll have it down pat." He chuckles, reaching down to pat your stomach.

"I'm sure you will." You reply as he shifts so he can put his face near your belly.

"Hey there bud. It's your old man again. You better stop making your mom sick 'cause it's not very nice."

Just at that moment your mom walks in the room. Seeing how absorbed the two of you were in the little conversation she didn't interrupt, just watched from across the room.  

"So cute." She whispers as she walks back into the kitchen.   


"This song? Really Y/N?" Michael asks, already reaching for your phone to change the song playing. 

"What?" You ask, bopping to the beat of You Suck. "It's a bop!"

"Yes. A song full of hate towards me. It is a true bop and work of art." He replies sarcastically, pressing the 'next' button to skip the song. 

"We can argue over this all day, but in the end we both know I'm right." You tease, swiping your makeup brush over your cheek one last time. 

"Whatever you say my dear." Michael sighs, walking out of the bathroom to grab his tie. "Actually, I have an even better song." 

Grabbing your phone and searching for a song, he picks 2002 and pulls you out of the bathroom to dance with him. 

"We're going to be late." 

"One song won't hurt us." 

One song turned to five and your phones were blowing up with texts from the boys asking where you were. Eventually they had had enough and sent Ashton to grab you. 

"What is taking so-" Ashton stops mid-sentence as he opens the door. "I hate to ruin the moment but we have to go."

Looking up from your peaceful dancing you give the curly haired boy a strange look before checking your phone. 

"Crap, Michael we gotta go." You exclaim, grabbing your purse and hurrying out the door.

"Well thanks for interrupting that moment." Michael glares playfully at Ashton, grabbing his suit jacket and walking out the door. 

"Always my pleasure." Ashton responds, earning a middle finger from Michael. 


"You're going to have to be faster than that if you want to beat the master." You brag as you destroy Ashton at yet another round of trivia. 

"No fair, You've been on Quizzbowl team way longer than I have!" Ashton complains, not wanting to admit his defeat. 

"One year is not that much longer." You shoot back, collecting your things and swinging your backpack over your shoulder. "I'm just smarter than you."

"Sure." He says. "Who got a 99% on their math test last week when you got a 97%? Me. Boom. Suck it."

"Well I got a 100% on my English paper while you got a 98.5%, so ha!" You reply, walking out the door towards Ashton's locker. 

"Can't forget my 94.6% on the bio quiz over your 94.3%."

"I still won the round, as well as the past three. If you ever need trivia tutoring you know where to find me."

The playful argument lasted for a while until your friend Amanda walked up to you. 

"My goodness you love birds. Stop arguing over who's smarter. You're both smart." 

"Hush Amanda. This is a very important and civilized conversation we are having. The winner is deemed the smartest. I must win." You state, not wanting to have you antics interrupted. 

"No wonder you're a couple. Two nerds who argue over nothing but grades. I can't imagine a better couple. In all seriousness though, you guys are cute together." She says, shaking her head when Ashton stands up and bumps his head on your backpack. 

"Stop." You laugh, blushing at the compliment.  "I have to go now. I need to prepare my house for when Ashton comes over for trivia tutoring."

"Okay. Whatever you say, lovebird." 

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